Session 3: We Need Not Think Alike To Love Alike Part of Windows and Mirrors, Grades 4-5 In This Section Introduction From Windows and Mirrors We need not think alike to love alike. — Francis David To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven. — Joseph Priestley Unitarian Universalism finds strength in explicitly welcoming diversity. It is well known that many of us bring identities and beliefs that are Christian, Jewish,... Session-at-a-Glance From Windows and Mirrors Activity Minutes Opening 5 Activity 1: Window/Mirror Panel, Part I — Diverse Faith Traditions 5 Activity 2: Where Do My Beliefs Come From? 10 Activity 3: UU Sources Inventory 10 Activity 4: Story — Thomas Starr King 10 Activity 5: Window/Mirror Panel, Part II — Diverse Faith Traditions 15... Spiritual Preparation From Windows and Mirrors Find a place where you can be quiet with your thoughts. Make yourself comfortable, lighting a candle to mark the time differently than you do for other activities.... Opening From Windows and Mirrors Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice or LED/battery-operated candle Large, round mirror to hold the chalice Reflective materials, such as beads or pieces of stained glass Newsprint, markers and tape Opening Words Basket and opening words (see Session 1, Leader Resource 1)... Activity 1: Window/Mirror Panel, Part I - Diverse Faith Traditions From Windows and Mirrors Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Handout 1, Faith Symbols, for all participants Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity At least two weeks before this session, ask participants to find out from their parents about their family's faith heritage(s). Activity 2: Where Do My Beliefs Come From? From Windows and Mirrors Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity If you have extra time, consider expanding this activity to incorporate Alternate Activity 1, Listening Activity - Supporting Theological Diversity; children articulate a faith belief to a partne... Activity 3: UU Sources Inventory From Windows and Mirrors Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Handout 2, Unitarian Universalist Sources, and pencils, for all participants Preparation for Activity Print and copy handout for all participants. Post a sheet of blank newsprint to record notes from each small group you... Activity 4: Story - Thomas Starr King From Windows and Mirrors Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "Thomas Starr King" A bell, chime, rain stick or other musical noisemaker Preparation for Activity Read the story "Thomas Starr King," a few times. Consider telling it dramatically, rather than reading it from the page. Practice... Activity 5: Window/Mirror Panel, Part II - Diverse Faith Traditions From Windows and Mirrors Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity All participants' Window/Mirror Panels Handout 1, Faith Symbols, for all participants Basket(s) of Window/Mirror Panel materials: Sheets of Mylar(R) in several colors, shiny gift wrap, aluminum foil and other reflective paper Sheets of plain or... Closing From Windows and Mirrors Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Taking It Home handout Optional: A copy of Session 1, Leader Resource 2, Namaste Preparation for Activity Identify a place for participants to store their Window/Mirror Panels between sessions. Keep in mind, there may be... Leader Reflection and Planning From Windows and Mirrors Reflect on and discuss with your co-leader(s): How did the timing go today? What might we do to make it work better? What worked well? What didn't? What connections did children make with the activities and/or the central ideas? How could you tell that was occurring? What connections did you make... Faith In Action: Congregational Faith Family Tree From Windows and Mirrors Materials for Activity Notebooks and pencils Newsprint, markers and tape Congregational information such as newsletters, flyers, website pages, orders of service Appropriate arts and crafts materials, including copies of Handout 1, Faith Symbols Preparation for Activity Gather information about... Alternate Activity 1: Listening Activity - Theological Diversity From Windows and Mirrors Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Paper and pencils for all participants A timepiece Preparation for Activity Consider your beliefs about God, what happens to us after we die, or another religious question. Prepare a short statement about a belief of your own to use as an example. Alternate Activity 2: Our Faith Family Tree From Windows and Mirrors Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity A large sheet of poster board Appropriate arts and crafts materials, including copies of Handout 1, Faith Symbols Optional: Photos or other items participants have brought from home to represent their faith heritage Preparation for Activity Identif... Alternate Activity 3: UU Partner Churches From Windows and Mirrors Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Optional: Paper and pencils, crayons or markers for cards or letters Optional: Information about Unitarian Universalist Partner Churches Preparation for Activity Visit the Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council website and choose materials... Taking It Home: We Need Not Think Alike To Love Alike From Windows and Mirrors We need not think alike to love alike. — Francis David To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven. — Joseph Priestley IN TODAY'S SESSION... We explored diversity of faith heritage and religious belief as a desirable and welcome feature of a Unitarian Universalist congregation. Thomas Starr King Janeen K Grohsmeyer From Windows and Mirrors From A Lamp in Every Corner (Boston: Unitarian Universalist Association, 2004). A Bright Star A long time ago, when railroad trains were still brand new and the United States had only twenty-four stars on its flag instead of fifty, there lived a boy whose name was Starr. That may seem like an odd... Handout 1: Faith Symbols From Windows and Mirrors Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Handout 2: Unitarian Universalist Sources From Windows and Mirrors The Unitarian Universalist Principles and Sources can be found on the UUA website.Unitarian Universalism draws from many sources: ... Leader Resource 1: Faith Heritage Letter to Parents From Windows and Mirrors Adapt and distribute to parents at least two weeks before leading this session. Dear Parents of the Windows and Mirrors Group, On (date), please make sure your child brings knowledge of their faith heritage to the session. The group will explore the diversity of faith heritages and beliefs... Find Out More From Windows and Mirrors Theological Diversity within the UUA Organizations affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Association testify to the variety of faith heritages represented in our denomination.... PREVIOUS: Find Out More About Session 2 UP: Windows and Mirrors NEXT: Introduction Download all of Windows and Mirrors (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.