Taking It Home
Part of Chalice Children, in Preschool
What wondrous love is this that brings my heart such bliss, and takes away the pain of my soul . . . — "What Wondrous Love," Hymn 18 in Singing the Living Tradition
IN TODAY'S SESSION . . . the theme was "We care for one another and help one another." We made cards for people in our congregation who are sick or lonely.
EXPLORE THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Talk about the ways family members help one another, for example, by taking care of each other when they are sick and giving them a hug when they are lonely. Widen your circle with ways that you help other people in your congregation.
EXTEND THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Read one of the picture books suggested for this session:
- How to Heal a Broken Wing by Bob Graham, 2008. In a city full of hurried people, only young Will notices the bird lying hurt on the ground.
- The Lion and the Mouse by Jerry Pinkney, 2009. In award-winning artist Jerry Pinkney's wordless adaptation of one of Aesop's most beloved fables, an unlikely pair learn that no act of kindness is ever wasted.
- Hardworking Puppies by Lynn Reiser, 2006. All puppies grow up to be dogs, but these 10 lucky puppies grow up to be dogs with jobs!
- A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip C. Stead and Erin Stead, 2010. Friends come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. In Amos McGee's case, they come in all sorts of species, too!
A Family Adventure. Participate in a social justice project with your congregation, such as a Crop Walk, collecting food donations, or reading to the elderly.
A Family Discovery. Read or sing "What Wondrous Love," Hymn 18 in Singing the Living Tradition. Listen to an instrumental version on YouTube. (Note: The instrumental version is recommended, because the words in the UU hymn are significantly different from the traditional words.)
A Family Game. Make up a song about helping others, to the tune of "London Bridge" (e.g., "Helping others is our work . . .").
A Family Ritual. During the chalice-lighting at dinner, invite family members to share how they helped others during the day.