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Event: PWR Board Development: Leading in These Times. Training for 2020-21, leading when you're not sure where you'll end up.
Webinar | September 28, 2020 | From Pacific Western RegionTagged as: Governing Boards -
The UUA Pacific Western Region staff specialties and areas of expertise for 2020-21.
September 9, 2020 | From Pacific Western RegionTagged as: UUA Districts & Regions, UUA Staff -
Dear friends-- ...
By Carlton Elliott Smith | July 31, 2020 | From Pacific Western Region -
“We are not walking this path alone, building spiritual muscles, climbing the ladder to become more perfect. Rather, we are discovering the truth of our relatedness through belonging to these bodies and emotions, to each other, and to this whole natural world. As we realize our belonging, the...
By Eric Bliss | April 9, 2020 | From Pacific Western Region -
I am the field staff for the Unitarian Universalist Association covering the congregations at the West Coast epicenter of COVID-19, and this is my report. ...
By Tandi Rogers | April 1, 2020 | From Pacific Western Region -
I have a middle school son who is very into Dungeons and Dragons. Last Saturday he invited me into this world. We created a character. I’m a wood elf named Lulu. When he asked what I wanted my super power to be I told him that I wanted the sound of my laughter to cause the defensive mechanisms of...
By Tandi Rogers | March 10, 2020 | From Pacific Western Region -
I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian church where I was taught early on that you are either ‘with us’ or ‘against us.’ A sheep or a goat, saved or damned to hell for eternity. It wasn’t a far leap from being either a conservative or a liberal, male or female, straight or gay. Each...
By Jonipher Kūpono Kwong | February 12, 2020 | From Pacific Western Region -
I grew up in a fault-finding family. It was one way my father’s upper-class WASP culture and my mother’s working-class Jewish culture came together: analyzing what was wrong. We’d go to a phenomenal movie, but spend the car ride home talking about the not-so-good acting of one character. When...
By Sarah Gibb Millspaugh | January 8, 2020 | From Pacific Western Region -
The first of the candles in the Advent Wreath is the candle of Hope. In the Lutheran tradition of my childhood, we always lit Advent candles this time of year. Winter is often a time when we look for hope. We look with hope for the return of the sun in the months to come. We hope for good things in...
By Sarah Movius Schurr | December 4, 2019 | From Pacific Western Region -
What would Unitarian Universalism be like if we lived from our faith more than we lived from our fears? And when I say “we,” I mean each of us, and each of our UU institutions. What would we be like if our minds, our hearts, our spirits shifted from fear to faith? This is an open question that...
By Sarah Gibb Millspaugh | November 14, 2019 | From Pacific Western Region