by Larger Capacity Vehicles (Vans and Coaches)
Part of UUA Youth Safety Guidelines
In the event that larger capacity vehicles are needed, the UUA prohibits the use of 15 passenger vans for transporting youth.
For 12 Passenger Vans
All drivers of vehicles containing minors other than their own children must be at least 25 years of age and must provide proof of insurance and a valid driver’s license. They must also be approved by a congregation to attend the event. The ratio of youth to adults for the group must be at least the same as the ratio for the event while driving even if the group is in more than one vehicle.
The driver should understand and be familiar with the handling characteristics of a fully loaded van. No driver may be sleep-deprived, consume alcohol or use any form of drugs that can affect physical or mental performance during or before carrying out their duty as a driver.
There must be enough functioning seatbelts for everyone and everyone must wear a seat belt.
Written permission of the parent/guardian of all minor passengers will be obtained prior to being transported. This permission form will include all relevant details pertaining to the event and trip, such as date and location, name of the drivers whenever possible, time of departure and time of return. Emergency contact information including name of physician, health insurance information and consent to treat in case of an emergency must accompany all minors who are being transported by adults other than their parents. During travel, the forms should be kept by the driver of the vehicle. In addition, each driver will leave a list of the names and emergency information for all of the children and/or youth traveling in their vehicle with an adult leader of the event. If possible, every driver will carry either a cell phone or a prepaid long distance calling card.
For Coaches or Charter Buses
(driven by drivers supplied by rental company)
Adult leaders will be spread throughout the bus. Headcounts will be done upon entering and exiting the vehicle. The ratio of adults to youth should be the same as for the event.
If there are seat belts, they should be used.
Written permission of the parent/guardian of all minor passengers will be obtained prior to being transported. This permission form will include all relevant details pertaining to the event and trip, such as date and location, method of travel, time of departure and time of return. Emergency contact information including name of physician, health insurance information and consent to treat in case of an emergency must accompany all minors who are being transported by adults other than their parents.