Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying and Retaliation at Youth Events

Part of UUA Youth Safety Guidelines

The UUA expects that all of its staff, members, volunteers, visitors and anyone else involved in its programs and activities will conduct themselves in a civil and respectful manner. It is committed to maintaining an environment at all times in all of its programs and activities, free of harassment and discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, affectual or sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age,religion or any other protected classification. Harassment based upon any protected classifications at the UUA or UUA sponsored events is strictly prohibited. It is the goal of the UUA to prevent harassment through on-going means of developing and maintaining staff and youth awareness, staff and volunteer training and policy dissemination.

The UUA has identified specific steps that it will take to create a safe, supportive environment for vulnerable populations in our community, and train all youth in the skills, knowledge, and strategies to prevent or respond to bullying and/or harassment.

Should an incident of harassment or bullying occur, the UUA will take prompt steps to address and prevent recurrence and to ensure that individuals impacted are not restricted from participating in the UUA’s programs and activities. Persons who engage in discrimination, harassment, bullying or retaliation may be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to being expelled and/or barred from UUA sponsored or related activities.


Any harassment of or among youth, staff, members, volunteers, visitors or anyone else based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or any other protected status will not be tolerated. Harassment includes unwelcome communications such as jokes, unsolicited remarks or comments, innuendos, notes, display or circulation of written or online materials, pictures or symbols, gestures or physical contact, or other conduct which creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment based upon any of the protected categories.

In addition, sexual advances, jokes, explicit or offensive pictures, videos or other online content, requests for sexual favors, sexting, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment.

By law, the particular communication or conduct is viewed from the perspective of a reasonable person with the characteristic on which the harassment is based. What one person may consider acceptable conduct may reasonably be viewed as harassment by another. Therefore prior to engaging in particular conduct, individuals are expected to consider how their words and actions might reasonably be viewed by others.


The UUA is also committed to an environment that is free from bullying and cyberbullying. This commitment is an integral part of our comprehensive efforts to promote learning, and to prevent and eliminate all forms of bullying and other harmful and disruptive behavior that can impede the faith development and learning process.

We recognize that certain youth may be more vulnerable to becoming targets of bullying and/or harassment based on actual or perceived characteristics, including, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, socioeconomic status, homelessness, academic status, physical appearance, disability, or or other protected classification, or by association with a person who has or is perceived to have one or more of these characteristics.

We will not tolerate any unlawful, disruptive, disrespectful or inappropriate conduct, including any form of bullying, cyberbullying or retaliation in UUA facilities or premises or in any UUA-related activities or programs. We will investigate promptly all reports and complaints of bullying, cyberbullying, and retaliation, and take prompt action to end that conduct and restore the target’s sense of safety. We will support this commitment in all aspects of our community.


Retaliation can be any action that would discourage a youth or other person from coming forward to make or support a claim of harassment, bullying or discrimination. It can include comments, shunning, ostracizing, interfering with a participant’s involvement in a program or activity, or any other conduct intended to display displeasure or annoyance because of the youth or individual. Such retaliation is prohibited.

Report and Investigation of Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying or Retaliation

Youth who believe that they have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, bullying or retaliation should report the matter to UUA staff or volunteer, who in turn will notify their supervisor.

The UUA will promptly investigate complaints of discrimination, harassment, bullying and/or retaliation. If the UUA determines that a violation has occurred, it will take appropriate action to prevent recurrence and to ensure that that the issues are addressed.

In certain cases, harassment or bullying of youth may constitute child abuse under state or local’ laws. The UUA will comply with all legal requirements governing the reporting of suspected cases of child abuse. In addition, the UUA will remind youth and/or parents/legal guardians of their right to report appropriate issues to law enforcement.

When an investigation has been completed, UUA staff will inform the complainant of the results, subject to confidentiality requirements.