Mandatory Reporting Policy
Part of UUA Youth Safety Guidelines
While the laws in each state vary, the UUA expects all participants act as “mandated reporters” within our organization. Any volunteer or leader, youth or adult, must report to the UUA staff responsible for an event anything that constitutes harm or potential harm to a minor (“harm to self or others”) immediately and no later than 8 hours after becoming aware of an incident, regardless of whether the particular report would constitute a mandated report in the state in which it occurs. UUA staff responsible for the event are responsible for determining whether a legal report should be made in each circumstance and making that report in the legally mandated time frame (usually 24-48 hours). If it is determined that a report is required, UUA staff will make a report. Individuals who are mandated reporters under state law should also make a report themselves.
UUA staff must familiarize themselves with state and local laws around mandated reporting, child abuse and neglect, and criminal sexual conduct, including non-consensual and peer sexual contact for minors, and include (as relevant) in training of youth and adult leaders.