Removal/Restriction/Reinstatement of Adult Volunteers
Part of UUA Youth Safety Guidelines
The UUA reserves the right to restrict or remove, temporarily or permanently, any adult from contact with youth at UUA events if it determines that the adult worker is no longer suitable for work with youth. Reasons for such a determination include, but are not limited to, arrests or convictions for violent or other actions; inappropriate social, emotional, sexual, or physical boundaries with youth; inability to be responsibly present including due to physical or mental illness, or substance use including prescribed medication; any violation of the Adult Code of Conduct or Code of Ethics for Adults and Youth in Leadership; or any other action that causes significant distress to youth or cause UUA staff to be concerned about the safety of youth. The reasons for any temporary or permanent removal or any other terms of restriction will be documented and communicated with the volunteer, the religious professionals at their home congregation, and any other UU programs in which they serve as a leader with minors.
Reinstatement of Suspended Adult Volunteer Leaders
UUA staff must document the circumstances and events for suspending volunteer youth and adult leaders on a Summary Report Form (see appendix) and forward the records to the Co-Director for Ministry and Faith Development. The volunteer will be informed that a report is being filed. Documentation will be retained according to the Documentation Policy. If legal action is involved, the UUA will maintain a suspension during this process. If the UUA staff recommends a permanent ban, a team, of at least three, including a representative from the Ministries and Faith Development Office, a member of the Lifespan Faith Engagement office, and the UUA staff responsible for the event will determine whether the suspension is temporary or permanent. When the volunteer holds a historically marginalized identity, representatives from other UUA staff teams may be included or consulted to help ensure appropriate and fair consideration of identity-based power dynamics. If the volunteer is in any stage of ministerial formation, the Office of Ministerial Credentialing and Professional Development will be informed and consulted. All documentation will be provided to the Ministerial Fellowship Committee as needed. If a volunteer is either in process or credentialed as a Religious Educator, the Lifespan Faith Engagement office and Religious Education Credentialing Committee will be informed and consulted.
The volunteer will have a right to view a file summary and to make a statement to be considered before any final decisions are in place. If the volunteer is a religious professional they may identify a Good Officer from their professional organization for support, and if the volunteer is not a religious professional they may identify a minister or other religious professional for support. In no case may the volunteer be represented by a lawyer.
Specific developmental plans or actions will be required before reinstatement. In cases where a permanent ban is put in place, a volunteer may appeal such a decision to the Chief Operating Officer of the UUA and the Co-Directors of Ministries and Faith Development for a final determination.