Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Making Music Live: A Guide to Weaving Music into Faith Development Programs

Important resources

Carolyn McDade Music

Crystal Spring Earth Learning Center

76 Everett Skinner Road

Plainville, MA 02762

In Canada: 89 Green Street, Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 2G1

CDs, songbook, and info about her projects and concerts.

Dances of Universal Peace

Sufi Islamia/Prophecy Publications

65 Norwich Street

San Francisco, CA 94110

Wonderful collections of spiritual songs with dances. They come from many faiths and traditions, with a strong emphasis on the Sufi faith, a mystical branch of Islam.

Homespun Tapes

Box 694

Woodstock, NY 12498

How-to tapes and videos on learning folk and jazz instruments. Also contains tapes on yodeling and singing in harmony, as well as Ysaye Maria Barnwell's exceptional set, Singing in the African American Tradition.

Nick Page

My website features multicultural essays, a catalog of published octavos, books, and CDs, plus info on my sings and workshops.

People's Music Network (PMN) and Children's Music Network (CMN) and

These related organizations offer support to folk musicians involved in progressive politics. They publish magazines and offer regional and national gatherings with workshops and concerts. Pete Seeger helped launch both organizations.

Tara Publications

29 Derby Avenue

Cedarhurst, NY 11516


Tara publishes hundreds of songbooks and recordings representing the great diversity of music within the Jewish tradition. Their catalog is a must!

Transcontinental Music Publications

838 5th Avenue

New York, NY 10021


Collections of sacred and secular Jewish music, including octavos for children's choirs.

Unitarian Universalist Musicians Network



UUMN offers support for music-related issues, including a booklet on staff policy recommendations for church musicians. The network's summer music conference is always informative and fun.

Village Harmony

RD1 Box 668

Plainfield, VT 05667


Larry Gordon and Patty Cuyler offer summer chorus camps for youth. They rehearse early American, Bulgarian, South African, and Renaissance music for a week, and then tour New England for two weeks. They also offer camps in Soviet Georgia, South Africa, and Bulgaria, as well as publish songbooks and sell their CDs.

World Around Songs

Rt. 5 Box 398

Burnsville, NC 28714


Small folksong collections, available since the 50s, containing music of many cultures. Appropriate for sing-a-longs with people/children of all ages.

World Music Press, Judith Cook Tucker, publisher

P.O. Box 2565

Danbury, CT 06813-2565



fax: 203-748-3432

Judith Cook Tucker publishes excellent songbooks, CDs, and octavos of music from many cultures. The books are well researched and written with the classroom teacher and music specialist in mind. Highly recommended for anyone interested in exploring the music of many cultures with children.

West Catalog

1208 5th Street

Coralville, IA 52241


Huge supplier of songbooks, instruments for children, and recordings. Highly recommended.

Zamir Choral Foundation

P.O. Box 109 Planetarium Station

New York, NY 10024

Every summer, the Zamir Choral Foundation co-hosts a conference on Jewish choral music in the Catskills of New York. It is always wonderful.