Meet JETPIG! Time for All Ages

By Paula Gribble

photo of plush pig with jetpack

Good morning! I brought a friend today. I’ll introduce them to you in a moment. But first, I want to talk about friends.

Friends are really great, aren’t they? Friends can help you feel better, make you laugh, and be there for you when you just need someone to tell you things are going to get better.

And new friends are wonderful too. When you meet a new friend, they do some of the things your old friends do, but then they also do new stuff. Like, new friends can tell you about their lives and who they were before they met you. And new friends can help you through things that change. It’s great to be like you have been and have people love you for that, but then it’s also really nice to have some friends who love you for who you are right now.

We can learn a lot from new friends, even if they aren’t always like the ones you had before…especially if they aren’t the ones you had before.

So I brought my new friend here to meet you. This is Jenson Jetpig. Their pronouns are they/them. And they’ve come here today to help us learn something new. They’re a little shy so they aren’t speaking right now but they will tell me things that I can share with you.

Jenson is a Unitarian Universalist piggie. They love thinking about what it means to be a UU, and what helps us learn who we are.

As UUs here, you might have learned about our UU identity and purpose in the form of Principles or Promises. But Jenson would like to share something new. You see, UUism is called a living tradition because we continue to grow and learn, and we do new things as we grow.

So Jenson wants us to learn a new way to talk about who we are. They will be sharing these values, or important things. Many of them are similar to our promises and Principles, just said in a different way.

These values can be in any order, but Jenson asked if we would share them in a certain order to help us remember them, and because the first letter of each one spells out Jenson’s last name JETPIG. That’s fun, and an easy way to learn them. Let’s see the values Jenson came to share.

  1. J is for Justice – This means we work for a better world for everyone, and we use our democratic process to make decisions that will guide
    us to a diverse Beloved Community.
  2. E is for Equity – Equity means we work for a peaceful and fair world. Equity means we all get to have it.
  3. T is for Transformation – Transformation means we keep growing and learning together, and know that this will change us.
  4. P is for Pluralism – Pluralism means more than one way. And we get to celebrate that we have many sources that inspire us; and that we
    make room for different cultures, experiences, and beliefs.
  5. I is for Interdependence – Interdependence means that we are all connected. People, creatures and our planet. And we honor them all
    by taking care of them.
  6. G is for Generosity – Generosity means that we have giving hearts, that we share what we have, and that we practice being grateful.

Those are the Six Values that we can all hold as important things to UUs. Let’s review and see if you remember any…and remember that each one’s first letter spells out JETPIG.

J is for…?
E is for…?
T is for…?
P is for…?
I is for…?
G is for…?

And together they spell…?

Now, those are great values, but…oh, Jenson says we forgot one thing. They say that all these values are just words unless we live them out in the world…and that we should always remember that Jetpig (and all the values) are powered by one thing…LOVE.

Jenson says that they love that so much! And they love you too. Now we all have a new friend, Jenson Jetpig, and our new friend has taught us something new.

Jenson hopes we call can try to remember our Values, and that we will also be powered by love. And I bet our Jetpig friend will visit us again sometime!