Dual Platform Trauma
This video is a portion of the Conversations with Leaders: Dual Platform Future for All Ages webinar that was offered in April.
In this video, Wren Bellavance-Grace, New England Congregational Life Staff, talks about trauma and how it impacts our congregations and returning to religious education programs.
In summary:
Wren talks about how the pandemic has been a traumatic event for everyone, but hasn't affected everyone the same way. This will be important to consider as we slowly go back to in person activities.
In terms of religious education classes, at first congregations should focus on relearning how to be in community, since we haven't been together for a long time. Community and connection should be centered. When we do add curricula to our classes, focus on the basics, the principles, the chalice, our covenants. Finally, find your gifts and congregation's gifts to share.
As we move out of the pandemic, congregations should start talking out their vision of the future and start those conversations about how to do faith formation going forward.