Saturday Morning Worship
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General Assembly (GA) 2016 Event 402
Program Description
Love and Courage (Even When You Want to Chicken Out)
What is spirituality? Perhaps we can learn something from the French who often speak of a certain “Je ne sais quoi” or “I don’t know what.” In this service we will explore the intangible and indefinable things that foster the spirit of our congregations and empower us to work in partnership with people of all faiths for justice and align together on the side of love and act boldly even when we want to turn and run.
- Rev. Chris Buice
- Rev. Duncan Teague
Order of Service
Gathering Music
General Assembly Band, Mark David Buckles, Susan Peck, Dr. Leon Burke
Opening Words
Opening Hymn
"Oh, I Woke Up This Morning"
Rev. Duncan Teague
"We’ve Got Spirit"
Rev. Chris Buice
Closing Hymn
"Every Time I Feel the Spirit"
Closing Words
General Assembly Band: "Spirit of Life"