Make Your Web Links Brief
Usability Sample
Find a link to a picture of someone hunting.
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Privileges and Rights. Feudal and MunicipalWhen the feudal nobles granted to their vassals the right of assembling on certain days, in order to hold fairs and markets, they never neglected to reserve to themselves some tax on each head of cattle, as well as on the various articles brought in and put up for sale. As these fairs and markets never failed to attract a great number of buyers and sellers, this formed a very lucrative tax for the noble (Fig. 26). The right of sporting or hunting was of all prerogatives that dearest to, and most valued by the nobles. Not only were the severest and even cruellest penalties imposed on "vilains" who dared to kill the smallest head of game, but quarrels frequently arose between nobles of different degrees on the subject, some pretending to have a feudal privilege of hunting on the lands of others (Fig. 27). From this tyrannical exercise of the right of hunting, which the least powerful of the nobles only submitted to with the most violent and bitter feelings, sprung those old and familiar ballads, which indicate the popular sentiment on the subject. |
Privileges and Rights. Feudal and MunicipalWhen the feudal nobles granted to their vassals the right of assembling on certain days, in order to hold fairs and markets, they never neglected to reserve to themselves some tax on each head of cattle, as well as on the various articles brought in and put up for sale. As these fairs and markets (Fig. 26) never failed to attract a great number of buyers and sellers, this formed a very lucrative tax for the noble. The right of sporting or hunting was of all prerogatives that dearest to, and most valued by the nobles. Not only were the severest and even cruellest penalties imposed on "vilains" who dared to kill the smallest head of game, but quarrels frequently arose between nobles of different degrees on the subject, some pretending to have a feudal privilege of hunting (Fig. 27) on the lands of others. From this tyrannical exercise of the right of hunting, which the least powerful of the nobles only submitted to with the most violent and bitter feelings, sprung those old and familiar ballads, which indicate the popular sentiment on the subject. |
Source: The Project Gutenberg EBook of Manners, Custom and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the Renaissance Period, by Paul Lacroix. Modifed to illustrate web usability principles.
Usability Tip
Make your link text brief.
Linked text draws the eye (and underlined text on the web indicates the presence of a link), but underlining spoils the shape of letters, reducing reading comprehension. People can choose to read the text on either side of your link, but making long links removes their choice in the matter, since it's not immediately obvious which is the meaningful part of your linked text. Make your links as brief as possible while retaining meaning.
Tips for writing great links really covers it all.