
By UUA Web Team
January 10, 2018, 9:09 am EST
I\'ve noticed a few problems after the upgrade regarding past services and the service archive page which is created by using [service-archive] shortcode. The upgrade is supposed to automatically update past archives to be compatible with the new fields, but until I edited at least one past service, the page that rendered in I.E. could only be described as \"a mess\". Upon investigation, the \"mess\" appears to be that a bunch of data is dumped before the header of the page - if you scroll down, you will encounter the expected title bar of the page and the rest of the content beneath it. Lesson learned: update past services. Once you edit your past services, a past services archive page does render, but 2 problems remain: Only the last three services render properly. Services beyond that only have title/date/speaker information and are offset to the left. In Internet Explorer, the WordPress page itself does not follow the format of the rest of the site. For instance, the navigation menu on the left is \"outside\" of the page, and the widgets that should be on the right side of the page are stacked at the bottom (as if it is not following the responsive rules that the rest of the site is). This problem does not occur for me in Firefox, Chrome, or Opera. I have no workarounds for the latter problems at this time.