Incompatibility with UUA Theme Feature Boxes and JetPack on Safari

By UUA Web Team
February 26, 2016, 10:52 am EST
I noticed that the feature boxes on the homepage of our site did not display correctly on my Mac using Safari. The boxes came out truncated: only the top part of the pictures showed and the titles and text did not display. In order to make it display correctly, I had to de-activate the JetPack plugin. I thought that I was the only one having this problem but I have been testing the sites listed in Example Sites and find that a lot of others had the same problem -- I\'m only seeing this on both my Macs using Safari, not with Chrome or Firefox, and not on my PC at all. Has anyone else seen this? If you haven\'t checked your site using other browsers (<hint>SAFARI</hint>), I recommend doing so. It\'s not a huge problem but it\'s somewhat frustrating given that we are using the Feature Boxes to highlight what the congregation emphasizes and the Mac Safari people won\'t see that. P.S. Works fine on the Safari on my iPad.