Who We See Determines What We Believe

By Ted Resnikoff



What Gender is Your God?

New research has found a strong correlation between the gender one ascribes to God and that person's attitudes toward social or other issues. Researchers from Clemson University found that how people feel about issues such as marriage-equality, abortion or capital-punishment differs depending upon whether they believe God is masculine, or not.

What Unitarian Universalism Believes About God
Excerpted from an article appearing on the Religion section of Huffington Post:
Referring to God as 'Father', 'Lord' and 'King' may have wider implications than people think. Clemson University sociologist Andrew Whitehead has a new report out in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion demonstrating that people who believe in a masculine God are more likely to oppose same-sex marriage and civil unions. "Those who believe God is masculine also hold very traditional views of gender roles," Whitehead writes. "Individuals who ascribe to a masculine image of God are much more likely to espouse traditional gender ideologies compared to those who do not view God as masculine." Beliefs about the nature of God can influence individuals' world views in many ways, including their their political views and their opinions, on things like abortion and capital punishment.
Read the full post for links to the cited study and more on how one's image of God influences other beliefs.