Sustenance for Those Who Would Lead

By Ted Resnikoff



Leadership is Imperfect, Leaders are Blessed

For congregational leaders of all identity and age, Kay Montgomery has assembled a collection meditations sharing the voice, wisdom and insight of leaders of our faith. Kay explains in her preface that leadership is a skill, presenting the collection with the exhortation to, "Use it to remind yourself of the need for humility and humor and courage..."

Unitarian Universalism exists, is practiced and celebrated in many forms – from traditional "brick and mortar" congregations to small group ministry, campus ministry, gender specific ministries, the Church of the Larger Fellowship and new forms we are discovering or inventing today and for the digital future we will inhabit. This collection of 50 meditations by Unitarian Universalist leaders past and present is an invitation to spiritual leadership with inspiration, resilience and compassion.

As the first woman and first lay-person to serve as executive vice-president of the Unitarian Universalist Association, it is apt that Kay complied a collection intended for anyone (and not just clergy) who would lead a congregation of Unitarian Universalists. Her dedication of this collection of spiritual meditations to the last four financial advisors of the UUA pays homage to the idea that Unitarian Universalism thrives from the passionate involvement of each of us, "working toward justice and spiritual community."

Purchase Bless the Imperfect at the UUA Bookstore. Read the article on Kay Montgomery's tenure as executive vice-president of the UUA in UU World.