2008 Youth and Young Adult Empowerment
At the 2008 General Assembly, three motions were passed that called our association of congregations into deeper and healthier relationship with Unitarian Universalist youth and young adults. One of those motions, the responsive resolution entitled Youth and Young Adult Empowerment: Accountability,called for member congregations, districts, and other Unitarian Universalist groups to report annually on their work with youth and young adults as described here:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: The 2008 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association urges the Unitarian Universalist Association, its congregations and district structures to:
- invite ministerial support to youth and young adults through inclusive worship and intentional presence;
- invest financial support in youth and young adult leadership bodies and programs when viable;
- provide support for youth and young adult staff and volunteers to receive suitable training and resources, including self-directed anti-racism and anti-oppression trainings; and
- attend to the needs of youth and young adult constituents with marginalized identities by providing resources and opportunities within the congregation and at the district and Association levels.
Accordingly, a survey tool was sent to all congregations and the other organizations named.
- View the congregational survey (PDF, 21 pages).
- View the committee, district, and organization survey (PDF 6, pages).
Reports were prepared based on the results from these surveys. The complete data set from the surveys may be requested by writing to the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.
- View the congregational survey results report (PDF, 17 pages).
- View the committee, district, and organization survey results report (PDF, 25 pages).
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Offices of Youth Ministries and Young Adult Ministries opted to write their own reports rather than completing the survey.
- Read the Youth Ministries Office Report (PDF 5, pages.
- Read the Office of Young Adult Ministries Report (PDF 7, pages).
These results provide a base line for this important work. Comments or questions can emailed to youth@uua.org or youngadults@uua.org. The surveys done in the next two years should provide indication of progress in reaching the goals that our faith community has set for the full participation of youth and young adults in enlivening, growing, and sustaining the values of Unitarian Universalism.
These reports and the associated surveys were prepared by a team of the following UUA staff members:
- Nancy DiGiovanni, Acting Co-Director for Young Adult Ministries
- Rev. Mara Dowdall, Interim Youth Ministries Office Director
- Judith A. Frediani, Director for Lifespan Faith Development
- Erik B. Kesting, Acting Co-Director for Young Adult Ministries
- Rev. Harlan Limpert, Director for District Services
- Kay Montgomery, Executive Vice-President
- Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris, Director for Congregational Services