The Unitarian Universalism That Does Not Yet Exist

Shirley Chisholm was asked why she, a Black woman, was running for president: "You don't have a chance. Why are you doing that?" And she said, "Because I am in love with the America that does not yet exist," and that's how Unitarian Universalism is also. I'm in love with the Unitarian Universalism that does not yet exist. But I have to hold both the love for that thing and the love for the reality. It does not yet exist. It will probably not exist in my lifetime. I don't think it will in that of my children, but I can't deny my love for it. You know, wanting to be there in that struggle. That's why I'm fighting.

in Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity, and Power in Ministry (p.77)

Three people, one wearing a clergy collar, sit in reflective prayer in front of a "Side with Love" banner


By Mitra Rahnema

From Skinner House Books

The 2017-18 UUA Common Read A joint project of the Committee for Antiracism, Anti-oppression, and Multiculturalism of the UUMA and Skinner House Books, Centering is the first book to center the stories, analysis, and insight of Unitarian Universalists of color offering their religious leadership.

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