A Blessing for Safety

Spirit of love and life, these are trying times, and sometimes we are at wits' end trying to figure out what to do. We have all this extra time, and we are busier than we have ever been. We think we need to accomplish so much during this time of physical distancing, and we find ourselves exhausted beyond words. We are grateful we can work from home, and we are scared beyond belief as we don’t know where our next paycheck is coming from.
We are grateful for those who grow, transport, and stock the food on shelves for us.
May they be safe, may they be well.
We are grateful for all the healthcare workers walking into the storm to keep us safe. We acknowledge the fear they must feel as one who cannot stay out of harm’s way.
May they be safe, may they be well.
We are grateful for all those who are helping to make masks, and to shop for those who aren’t able; for those contributing food to those in need, and for those who are distributing food and offering help to those in need.
May they be safe, may they be well.
We ask a special blessing on all those that are deemed essential workers; we are grateful for their service.
May they be safe, may they be well.
We are grateful for this community of love and connection. May this time remind us of how much we mean to one another. Thank you for this means to stay connected, for being able to see each other’s face and hear each other’s voices.
May we be safe, may we be well.
May we be comforted and buoyed up with the love that permeates this community.
May we all be safe, may we all be well.
So may it be, Amen.
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