Labyrinth Dedication Litany

A labyrinth whose path is marked by stones

One: Spirit of Guiding Love, we give thanks today for all of the people who followed a dream, and whose vision, persistence, labor, and commitment have given us the gift of this labyrinth.
All: Bless this labyrinth and all who use it.

One: We give thanks for the all of the time, talent and treasure that has gone into its creation.
All: Bless this labyrinth and all who use it.

One: We give thanks for the many whose expertise in drawing plans and moving earth and laying bricks have turned this dream into a reality.
All: Bless this labyrinth and all who use it.

One: This path leads in only one direction, ensuring we never lose our way but rather find our way unfolding before us.
All: Bless this labyrinth and all who use it.

One: May this sure path serve to comfort and guide us in times of uncertainty, loss, and discernment.
All: Bless this labyrinth and all who use it.

One: May this labyrinth we dedicate today be for us and for our wider community a tool of the never-ending spiritual quest.
All: Bless this labyrinth and all who use it.

One: May the use of this pathway serve as an outward symbol of the journey of our inner, spiritual lives.
All: Bless this labyrinth and all who use it.

One: May the same spirit that drew us all into being and into this community draw forth from each person who uses this pathway the wisdom and reflection they need to grow into their best selves.
All: Bless this labyrinth and all who use it.

One: May all who leave this pathway be blessed with more love, focus, compassion, and serenity than when they entered it.
All: Bless this labyrinth and all who use it.