Displaying 1 - 10 of 21

This list includes every page or product from UUA.org, UU World magazine, or inSpirit books & gifts that is tagged with Breakthrough Congregations or its children.

Visit the home page for Breakthrough Congregations.

  • A Breakthrough Congregation’s teen-led religious education program revitalizes First Religious Society in Carlisle, Massachusetts.

    By Heather Beasley Doyle | March 1, 2020 | From UU World
    Tagged as: Breakthrough Congregations, Education, Environment, Food, Food Justice, Nature, Children's Faith Development, High School-Aged Youth Faith Development, Middle School-Aged Youth Faith Development, Faith Development
  • An Illinois congregation’s internship program offers students valuable firsthand workplace experience.

    By Sherri Daye Scott | November 1, 2019 | From Life
    Tagged as: Activism, Anti-Oppression, Breakthrough Congregations, Discernment, Economy, Service, Youth/Teens
  • A Virginia Breakthrough Congregation builds community through Pride.

    By Andrea Dulanto | September 1, 2019 | From Life
    Tagged as: Breakthrough Congregations, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer, Sexuality
  • A new location for a Michigan congregation opened up opportunities to help immigrants and refugees. Moving has been nothing short of transformative.

    By Heather Beasley Doyle | March 1, 2019 | From Ideas
    Tagged as: Breakthrough Congregations, Community, Immigration, Social Justice
  • Forty hours of Chalice Camp is almost as much time as kids would get in a full year of Sunday school.

    Feature | By Nicole Sweeney Etter | November 1, 2018 | From UU World
    Tagged as: Breakthrough Congregations, Children, Family, Faith Development
  • Embracing an innovative shared leadership model has created a happier, more vital congregation in Athens, Georgia.

    By Michael Hart | November 1, 2018 | From UU World
    Tagged as: Breakthrough Congregations, Leadership, Governance for Congregations, Leadership Development
  • The newly reimagined Breakthrough Congregations program honors innovations that energize congregations. Nominate your congregation’s most inspiring initiative.

    By Christopher L. Walton | November 1, 2018 | From UU World
    Tagged as: Breakthrough Congregations
  • UUA program will focus on congregations’ innovations more than membership growth; seeks nominations.

    By Michael Hart | June 5, 2017 | From UU World
    Tagged as: Breakthrough Congregations, Growth, Hospitality
  • Mission Peak is a congregation willing to ‘try things, mess up, and keep on trying.’

    By Kenny Wiley | September 1, 2016 | From Life
    Tagged as: Breakthrough Congregations, Community, Healthy Behavior
  • The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon works to embrace rapid growth and a grand new building without surrendering its culture.

    Feature | By Elaine McArdle | May 23, 2016 | From UU World
    Tagged as: Breakthrough Congregations, Growth, Hospitality