Handout 1: Sample Faith Statements
Part of A Place of Wholeness
The following are examples of Unitarian Universalist faith statements, elevator speeches, and personal theology statements.
The Unitarian side of our family tree tells us that there is only one God, one Spirit of Life, one Power of Love. The Universalist side tells us that God is a loving God, condemning none of us, and valuing the spark of divinity that is in every human being. So Unitarian Universalism stands for one God, no one left behind. — Bill Sinkford, Unitarian Universalist minister and former UUA president
My personal theology has four directions. First is where I am. Be here now. My feet are on the ground, yet my knees are flexed to keep my balance as things move. Next is Awe. I lift my arms in amazement, appreciation, and thanks. Some might call this praising God. The third is Love, which I see as Jesus' main message. I feel this as giving or reaching out—to people, to creatures, to life. Finally is Transformation, which is always possible. Change can come like a gift from the Holy Spirit. I feel this as receiving or drawing in. — Marnie Singer, Student at Starr King School for the Ministry
Our faith is not interested in saving your soul—we're here to help you unfold the awesome soul you already have. — Andrea Lerner, Unitarian Universalist Association religious educator
We believe that as fallible human beings we do not have all the answers. Consequently, we are religious seekers, seeking ways to be better human beings. We believe that life is a path along which our experiences lead to theological reflection and religious beliefs. We welcome unconventional believers, religious pluralists, and non-believers, very often refugees from other religions, people whose religious journey has led them to us. — Dick Dana, Member of First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, New York