Workshop 1: Beginning Together Part of A Place of Wholeness In This Section Introduction From A Place of Wholeness To me, migration means movement. There was conflict and struggle. But out of the struggle came a kind of power and even beauty. 'And the migrants kept coming.' is a refrain of triumph over adversity. If it rings true for you today, then it must still strike a chord in our American experience. —... Workshop-at-a-Glance From A Place of Wholeness Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 15 Activity 1: Nametag Interview 20 Activity 2: Story — Migration: A Spiritual Journey 20 Activity 3: Making a Journal for the Journey 20 Activity 4: I Believe, I Feel, I Act 5 Faith in Action 1: Founding Story Mural Closing 10 Alternate Activity... Spiritual Preparation From A Place of Wholeness This workshop uses migration as a metaphor for spiritual journey. The story is based on Jacob Lawrence's The Migration Series Panel no. 3. Spend some time looking at this painting. Both the Phillips Collections and the Whitney Museum of American Art have websites based on The Migration Series and... Welcoming and Entering From A Place of Wholeness Materials for Activity 5 x 8-inch index cards (one for each participant and leader) Hole-puncher String or yarn Newsprint Markers and pens Leader Resource 1, Nametag Preparation for Activity Draw the image that is found in Leader Resource 1 on a piece of newsprint. Cut pieces of string or yarn so... Opening From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Five smooth stones about the size of a fist Leader Resource 2, James Luther Adams' Five Smooth Stones of Religious Liberalism A copy of the story "David and Goliath" Chalice, candle and matches Handout 1, Responsive Reading - Five Smooth Stones Lea... Activity 1: Nametag Interview From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity 5 x 8-inch index cards (enough for all participants and leaders) Hole puncher String or yarn Newsprint Markers and pens Leader Resource 1, Nametag Preparation for Activity If you are not doing the Welcoming and Entering activity, follow the... Activity 2: Story: The Migration Series, Panel No. 3 From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "The Migration Series - Panel no. 3." You can also purchase a print of the image from the… Collection online museum store for $5.00.... Activity 3: Making a Journal for the Journey From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 5, Journal Making Instructions 12 sheets of white unlined paper for each journal A sheet of heavy cover paper for each journal Bookbinding needles, one for every three or four participants Bookbinding (or paper) awls, one for every... Activity 4: I Believe, I Feel, I Act From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Participants' journals Pens or pencils Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Write I Believe (world view), I Feel (loyalty of my heart), and I Act (way of life) on newsprint. Write the reflection questions on newsprint and post. Closing From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Singing the Living Tradition Copies of Taking It Home Preparation for Activity Optional: Arrange for musical accompaniment. Description of Activity To close the workshop, relight the chalice.... Leader Reflection and Planning From A Place of Wholeness Talk with your co-leader about the workshop. What do you think went well? What might you have done differently? Did you learn anything about your working relationship or how you lead an activity that would be important to note for future workshops? Thinking about the content of the workshop, what... Faith In Action: Founding Story Mural From A Place of Wholeness Materials for Activity Large piece of canvas Paint and brushes Pencils and markers Preparation for Activity Most churches have a founding story. Find someone in your congregation who knows this story and invite them to participate in this workshop. This person could be the church historian or... Alternate Activity 1: Blue Boat Home From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Singing the Journey Optional: Recording or musical accompaniment Optional: Copies of Singing the Living Tradition Preparation for Activity Optional: Write up reflection questions on newsprint. Description of Activity In this activity,... Alternate Activity 2: Winged Migration From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 45 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the film Winged Migration, directed by Jacques Perrin & Jacques Cluzaud, 98 minutes (available at most movie rental stores and Netflix... Taking It Home: Beginning Together From A Place of Wholeness To me, migration means movement. There was conflict and struggle. But out of the struggle came a kind of power and even beauty. 'And the migrants kept coming.' is a refrain of triumph over adversity. If it rings true for you today, then it must still strike a chord in our American experience. —... David and Goliath From A Place of Wholeness The Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright (C) 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.1 Now the Philistines gathered their armies for battle; they were gathered at Socoh, which belongs to... The Migration Series Panel Number 3 From A Place of Wholeness Jacob Lawrence The Migration Series, Panel No. 3: From every southern town migrants left by the hundreds to travel north.1940-1941 The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C. (C) 2009 The Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Foundation, Seattle/ Artists Rights You have two options for using this image.... Handout 1: Responsive Reading - Five Smooth Stones From A Place of Wholeness This responsive reading is based on James Luther Adams' essay "Guiding Principles for a Free Faith" in On Becoming Human Religiously: Selected Essays in Religion and Society, Max Stackhouse, ed. Beacon Press, 1976, pp. 12-20. Leaders read the regular text, and participants read the italicized text. Leader Resource 1: Nametag From A Place of Wholeness Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Leader Resource 2: James Luther Adams Five Smooth Stones of Religious Liberalism From A Place of Wholeness Leaders should read this resource before leading the Opening. Who was James Luther Adams?... Leader Resource 3: Five Smooth Stones Prayer From A Place of Wholeness This prayer is based upon James Luther Adams' essay "Guiding Principles for a Free Faith" in On Becoming Human Religiously: Selected Essays in Religion and Society, Max Stackhouse, ed. Beacon Press, 1976, pp. 12-20.Cut into five parts and give to volunteers to read in the Opening.... Leader Resource 4: Jacob Lawrence and the Great Migration From A Place of Wholeness The Life of Jacob Lawrence Jacob Lawrence was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1917. His parents had recently moved to the North as part of what is known as the Great Migration. After moving often for the first few years of his life, Lawrence and his mother ended up in Harlem, New York. His... Leader Resource 5: Journal Making Instructions From A Place of Wholeness These instructions are used with permission from Jaymi Elford. Copyright 2008 Jaymi Elford. Essay originally published at D*I*Y Planner.Please use the following book making instructions for Activity 3, Making a Journal for the Journey. Supplies: 12 sheets of white unlined paper for each journal... Find Out More From A Place of Wholeness Further reading on James Luther Adams' theology Beach, George Kimmich.… Liberalism: The Theology of James Luther Adams. Boston: Skinner House, 2004.…... PREVIOUS: Principles and Sources UP: A Place of Wholeness NEXT: Introduction Download all of A Place of Wholeness (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.