Workshop 6: Spreading the Good News Part of A Chorus of Faiths, High School Youth: Unitarian Universalists as Interfaith Leaders In This Section Introduction From A Chorus of Faiths We have all of us, whether rich or poor, whether high or low, of whatever nationality and religious conviction, the same supreme necessities and the same great problem and infinity of love.... Workshop-at-a-Glance From A Chorus of Faiths Activity Minutes Opening 5 Activity 1: Facilitating Interfaith Dialogue 40 Activity 2: Story — How a Young Interfaith Leader Spread the News 10 Activity 3: Creating a Press Release 15 Activity 4: Creating Flyers 10 Faith in Action: Movie Night 120 Closing 10 Alternate Activity 1: Practicing... Spiritual Preparation From A Chorus of Faiths Read these words from Augusta Jane Chapin, a Universalist minister present in Chicago at the 1893 World's Parliament of Religions: This old world has...reached an era of intellectual and spiritual development where there is "malice toward none and charity toward all," and when, without prejudice,... Opening From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Name tags and markers Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Preparation for Activity Set up a worship table with the chalice and any decorative items y... Activity 1: Facilitating Interfaith Dialogue From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 40 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Leader Resource 1, Tough Comment Cards Handout 1, Facilitator's Tools for Shared Value of Service Discussion Handout 2, Texts on the Shared Value of Service Group covenant created in Workshop 1 and modified in Workshop ... Activity 2: Story - How a Young Interfaith Leader Spread the News From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "How a Young Interfaith Leader Spread the News" Preparation for Activity Read the story and prepare to present it effectively. Optional: Copy the story for all participants.... Activity 3: Creating a Press Release From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Handout 3, Sample Press Release Media contact list with email and/or postal addresses Preparation for Activity Make a list of local news media that cover your area including print, web, radio, and television.... Activity 4: Creating Flyers From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint notes from Activity 3, Creating a Press Release Unlined 8-1/2 x11 inch-paper and fine-point markers Optional: Computer(s) with desktop publishing software and a printer Description of Activity Participants write and design flyers for the... Closing From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Chalice, candle and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Slips of paper and pens/pencils Taking It Home Preparation for Activity Create and print Taking It Home for all... Leader Reflection and Planning From A Chorus of Faiths Today's session was about how to communicate the importance of interfaith cooperation. Is this something you are comfortable doing? If not, why not? Try telling a friend or family member about the workshops you are leading and why interfaith cooperation matters to you.... Faith In Action: Movie Night From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 120 minutes Materials for Activity Movie on DVD or VHS and movie player Optional: Note cards or invitations, and markers Optional: Computer with Internet access, and projector/screen or large monitor Optional: Refreshments, such as popcorn and juice Preparation for Activity Prepare... Alternate Activity 1: Practicing Dialogue on Interfaith Service From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 70 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Facilitator's Tools for Shared Value of Service Discussion Handout 2, Texts on the Shared Value of Service Preparation for Activity Read both handouts so you are prepared to lead a dialogue and/or coach youth to do so. Copy both handouts... Alternate Activity 2: Planning the Interfaith Service Event, Part 6 From A Chorus of Faiths Materials for Activity Time line or calendar (Workshop 1) Scrap paper or sticky notes and pens/pencils Optional: Handout 1, Facilitator's Tools for Shared Value of Service Discussion Optional: Handout 2, Texts on the Shared Value of Service Preparation for Activity Review the time frame for... Alternate Activity 3: Public Service Announcement From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 60 minutes Materials for Activity Paper and pens Video recording equipment Optional: Video editing equipment Computer with Internet access Preparation for Activity Select one or more popular, current public service announcements (PSAs) to show the group.... Taking It Home: Spreading the Good News From A Chorus of Faiths This old world has...reached an era of intellectual and spiritual development where there is "malice toward none and charity toward all," and when, without prejudice, without fear, and in perfect fidelity, we may clasp hands across the chasm of our differences and speed and cheer each other on in... How a Young Interfaith Leader Spread the News From A Chorus of Faiths In the spring of 2008, Aubrey Rose was a 15-year-old high school sophomore attending a Catholic school in Frederick, Maryland. She valued service and had been profoundly affected by an educational visit of an Imam to her youth group, but didn't know how to act on it.... Handout 1: Facilitators Tools for Shared Value of Service Discussion Interfaith Youth Core (IYC) From A Chorus of Faiths DIALOGUE ON THE SHARED VALUES OF SERVICE Goals of the dialogue To help participants discover the shared value of service across different religious traditions through text, storytelling, and action.... Handout 2: Texts on the Shared Value of Service Interfaith Youth Core (IYC) From A Chorus of Faiths Baha'i Tradition on Service (from Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha) One amongst His Teachings is this, that love and good faith must so dominate the human heart that men will regard the stranger as a familiar friend, the malefactor as one of their own, the alien even as a... Handout 3: Sample Press Release From A Chorus of Faiths Adapt the sample press release to publicize the interfaith service project. Format it to include the congregation's letterhead. Once you fill out the details, you may fax, mail, or email the press release to the local media (newspapers, radio stations, television stations, etc.).... Leader Resource 1: Tough Comment Cards Interfaith Youth Core (IYC) From A Chorus of Faiths What is a Unitarian Universalist anyway? Why is G-d not spelled out in the Jewish excerpt? I think helping people is a good thing but I don't see why, if you don't have any religion, you would think helping people is important. I don't see why we have to talk about religion.... Find Out More From A Chorus of Faiths For additional dialogue activities, see Chapter 2 of the Interfaith Leader's Toolkit published by the Interfaith Youth Core. For more information about promoting events in your congregation, see the UUA's leader resource on"…... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: A Chorus of Faiths NEXT: Introduction Download all of A Chorus of Faiths (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.