Workshop 5: Difficulties of Interfaith Work Part of A Chorus of Faiths, High School Youth: Unitarian Universalists as Interfaith Leaders In This Section Introduction From A Chorus of Faiths All people and cultures without exception hold myths to be true. Anyone who believes that other—s—less sophisticated—may naively hold myths to be true while they themselves do not, are themselves naive. — Alice Blair Wesley, Unitarian Universalist minister Interfaith service work is not... Workshop-at-a-Glance From A Chorus of Faiths Activity Minutes Opening 15 Activity 1: Story — The Jellyfish 10 Activity 2: Unpacking Our Baggage 15 Activity 3: Storytelling — My Interfaith Story 30 Activity 4: Fears and Solutions 15 Faith in Action: Book Club Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Multiple Identities 45 Alternate Activity 2:... Spiritual Preparation From A Chorus of Faiths Think about your own assumptions and limitations as a Unitarian Universalist leader. Do you have any core beliefs or values that you believe should be universal values? What is your typical reaction when you encounter people who believe your beliefs are wrong? Do you try to change their minds? Do... Opening From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Name tags and markers Handout 1, Four Lessons for Unitarian Universalists in Interfaith Work Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Preparation for Activity Copy the handout for all participants. Set up a worship table with the... Activity 1: Story - The Jellyfish From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "The Jellyfish" Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Read the story and prepare to present it effectively. Consider reading the story dramatically.... Activity 2: Unpacking Our Baggage From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Pipe cleaners, clay, or other materials to make pliable sculptures Bell or chime Music and music player Preparation for Activity Choose instrumental music. Test the equipment. Post blank newsprint.... Activity 3: Storytelling - My Interfaith Story From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Handout 2, Story Map Leader Resource 1, Story Map Cheat Sheet Pens/pencils Preparation for Activity Read Leader Resource 1, Story Map Cheat Sheet. Become familiar with the five parts of a story. Post a sheet of newsprint. Activity 4: Fears and Solutions From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Post blank newsprint. Description of Activity Participants discuss apprehensions they have about the upcoming service event and together create action steps to reduce their fears. Say: We have... Closing From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Small, smooth stones or blank index cards for all participants Permanent markers (or paint pens) A basket or bowl Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Chalice, candle and lighter or LED battery-operated candle... Leader Reflection and Planning From A Chorus of Faiths After facilitating this workshop focused on fears, reflect on your own. What apprehensions do you have about doing interfaith work? What apprehensions do you have about being a leader generally and about facilitating this group of young people?... Faith In Action: Book Club From A Chorus of Faiths Materials for Activity Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson (New York: Penguin Books, 2007) or Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson, Young Reader's Edition adapted by Sarah Thomson (New York: Puffin, 2009) Listen to the Wind by Greg Mortenson (New York: Dial, 2009) Description of Activity Youth bec... Alternate Activity 1: Multiple Identities From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 45 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint and markers for each participant Tape Optional: Music and music player Preparation for Activity Optional: Choose music to play while participants work; set up and test music player.... Alternate Activity 2: Planning the Interfaith Service Event, Part 5 From A Chorus of Faiths Materials for Activity Time line or calendar (Workshop 1) Preparation for Activity Review the time frame for activities that should be completed before the next workshop. Description of Activity Participants continue work on the interfaith service event.... Taking It Home: Difficulties of Interfaith Work From A Chorus of Faiths All people and cultures without exception hold myths to be true. Anyone who believes that others—less sophisticated—may naively hold myths to be true while they themselves do not, are themselves naive. — Alice Blair Wesley, Unitarian Universalist minister IN TODAY'S WORKSHOP... We learned... The Jellyfish From A Chorus of Faiths By Daniel Quinn, in Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit (New York: Bantam/Turner Books, 1992). Used by permission.This story (Ishmael said) takes place half a billion years ago—an inconceivably long time ago, when this planet would be all but unrecognizable to you. Nothing at all stirred... Handout 1: Four Lessons for Unitarian Universalists in Interfaith Work William G. Sinkford From A Chorus of Faiths This article originally appeared the Fall 2008 issue of UU World magazine. I've always felt that Unitarian Universalism could have a unique role in the interfaith world, but the significance of this calling was made clear to me on September 11, 2001.... Handout 2: Story Map Interfaith Youth Core (IYC) From A Chorus of Faiths Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Leader Resource 1: Story Map Cheat Sheet Interfaith Youth Core (IYC) From A Chorus of Faiths This resource provides a brief description of each of the five parts of a story. Use the cheat sheet to help translate the five parts into your own words, and explain them to participants in the way that is most helpful. 1. History and Details The History and Details of a story are what helps the... Find Out More From A Chorus of Faiths "">Storytelling as a Key Methodology in Interfaith Youth Work", an article in the Journal of Ecumenical Studies by April Kunze, Eboo Patel, and Noah Silverman, talks about the use of storytelling specifically in interfaith work. Learn more about effective... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: A Chorus of Faiths NEXT: Introduction Download all of A Chorus of Faiths (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.