Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Heeding the Call: A Program on Justicemaking for Junior High School Youth


A few books that might be useful are:

Nurturing Children and Youth: A Developmental Guidebook by Tracey L. Hurd (Boston: Unitarian Universalist Association, 2005)

The Gift of Faith: Tending the Spiritual Lives of Children by Jeanne Harrison Nieuwejaar Second Edition (Boston: Skinner House Books, 2003)

Welcoming Children with Special Needs: A Guidebook for Faith Communities by Sally Patton (Boston: Unitarian Universalist Association, 2004)

Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv (Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books, 2005)

What Do You Stand For? A Kids’ Guide To Building Character

Barbara A. Lewis (Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing, 1998)

One Peace: True Stories of Young Activists

Janet Wilson (Victoria, BC, Canada: Orca Book Publishers, 2008)

Rethinking Globalization: Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World

Bill Bigelow and Bob Peterson (Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools, 2002)

Nurturing Children and Youth A Developmental Guidebook

This book belongs to the Tapestry of Faith Toolkit Series provided by the UUA Faith Development Office. Toolkit Books provide background knowledge, inspiration, and practical guidance to program and lead UU faith development and to help us explore and live our faith in our congregations,...

Nurturing Children and Youth