Workshop 5: Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham Part of Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures In This Section Introduction From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign, but stories can also be used to empower and to humanize. — Chimamanda Adichie, contemporary Nigerian writer The story of Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham—and of their two sons—presents far more questions than answers. Although it... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 10 Activity 1: Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham 15 Activity 2: Retelling the Story 15 Activity 3: Different People, Different Stories 5 Activity 4: Explaining Small Group Options 5 Activity 5: Discussion — Option 1 25 Activity 6: Responses to God's... Spiritual Preparation From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Consider national, regional, or local founding stories that are familiar to you. Focus on the way you first learned the story, perhaps as a child or as a newcomer or visitor to an area. What happens in the story? What is its tone?... Welcoming and Entering From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Materials for Activity Name tags, durable or single use Bold markers Sign-in sheet and pen/pencil Small table Optional: Refreshments Preparation for Activity Create a sign-up sheet with columns for name, address, phone, and e-mail information and place it on the table.... Opening From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle and lighter, or LED battery-operated candle Stand or table space for the chalice Decorative covering for chalice stand Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Prepare a welcoming space, including comfortable seating... Activity 1: Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story, "Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham" Leader Resource 1, Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham Background Information Leader Resource 2, Judean Desert Well Photograph Preparation for Activity Print the story and practice reading it aloud.... Activity 2: Retelling the Story From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Story, "Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham" Optional: Simple costumes Preparation for Activity Familiarize yourself with the story so you can guide a dramatized retelling. Description of Activity Invite participants to take on the various roles, asking... Activity 3: Different People, Different Stories From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 5 minutes Description of Activity Invite participants to discuss the story: What is the hardest or saddest part of this story? What is the best part of the story? What did each of the people in the story think about God? Is God the same to each person? Is God the same each time God... Activity 4: Explaining Small Group Options From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity List the small group options and their locations on newsprint and post. Description of Activity Explain options for small processing groups and point out breakout spaces.... Activity 5: Discussion - Option 1 From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Write these questions on newsprint and post: Why is this story preserved? What were they trying to teach with this story? What is it that we can learn?... Activity 6: Responses to God's Actions- Option 2 From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Simple costumes Newsprint, markers, and tape Three pieces of 11 X 14-inch drawing paper Assorted color pencils or markers Several sheets of self-adhesive alphabet letters, such as those used for scrapbooking.... Activity 7: It Happened in the Desert - Option 3 From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity 2-feet X 3-feet piece of plywood Sand Collection of small rocks and stones Small pieces of plants to represent desert vegetation, either artificial or natural Glue gun Craft glue Small dish of water Several inexpensive 1-inch paint brushes 11 X... Closing From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 3, Creating the Closing Worship Taking It Home handout Chalice, candle and lighter, or LED battery-operated candle Stand or table space for the chalice Decorative covering for chalice stand Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Cop... Leader Reflection and Planning From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Take a few minutes to talk with your co-facilitator about how the workshop went, using these questions as a guide: What went well? What surprised us as facilitators? Amazed us? Challenged us? How did this workshop strengthen multigenerational community?... Faith In Action: National Day of Listening From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Preparation for Activity Review information about the National Day of Listening and view the user guides. Talk with your parish minister, religious educator, membership committee, religious education committee, youth group, and other relevant congregational groups to seek support for a... Alternate Activity 1: A Skin of Water From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Story, "Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham" Dishpan or other shallow container of similar shape and size Sand, enough to fill the dishpan half full Pitcher of water and water source, or three pitchers of water Self-sealing plastic sandwich bags Large spoons... Taking It Home: Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign, but stories can also be used to empower and to humanize. — Chimamanda Adichie, contemporary Nigerian writer The story of Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham is a complex and ambiguous founding story of the Hebrew people.... Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Genesis 15:1-5; Genesis 16: 1-11, 13-16, Genesis 17: 1- 5, 15-16; Genesis 21: 1-3, 6, 8-19 (New Revised Standard Version) ... the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision.... Leader Resource 1: Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham Background Information From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Many of the stories of the Hebrew scriptures were recorded by scribes in the courts of Kings David and Solomon, and their purpose was to unite the various groups who lived in Canaan into a single nation, with a common narrative and set of laws and customs woven from their stories and wisdom. An... Leader Resource 2: Judean Desert Well Photograph From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures This photograph is used with permission of - Holy Land sites review. Leader Resource 3: Creating the Closing Worship From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures In this program, the closing worship circle offers a time for the group to come back together to enrich one another's understanding of the story and of their own life experience. This is not a show-and-tell experience, but rather a participatory, co-created worship experience. You will need to do... Find Out More From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures For wonderful pictures of the Judean Desert and of wells in the desert (including one that can be viewed with 3-D glasses) visit Bible Walks. View a nineteen-minute video of award-winning Nigerian author Chimamanda Adichie's lecture... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures NEXT: Introduction Download all of Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.