Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Moral Tales: A Program on Making Choices for Grades 2-3

Leader Resource 3: Parrots for Pennies Letter to Parents

Dear Parents,

As part of our session on Perseverance, the children started a new Faith in Action project today.

Faith in Action projects help us to practice the skills and virtues we are learning about. The children heard a story about a small parrot that kept flying back and forth to a river and then over a forest fire, shaking the water from its wings over the flames, until it caught the attention of a greater creature that was so moved by the parrot's determination that its tears put out the fire.

This project is called Parrots for Pennies. This project involves working together to raise money by helping to get a large plastic jug filled with coins to give to a cause that the children have chosen. It is not expected that each child will add many coins to the jug, but that they will all keep working to inspire others to help until the jar is full.

The children thought of various ways to help fill the jar. Ask your child to share some of these ideas with you. Perhaps your family could put a cup on the table and fill it with pocket change all week. Maybe you can brainstorm some creative ways to raise money to add to the jar.

The children may wish to hold a bake sale on (day, date) to raise money to fill the Parrots for Pennies jar. If you would like to participate by providing baked goods the children can sell at coffee hour, please let us know what you will bring, and deliver your baked goods to the congregation's coffee hour room before worship
on that day.

This is a volunteer activity and you and your children are under no pressure to contribute or participate. If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of us.

Yours in Faith,

(Co-leader names and contact information)