Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Moral Tales: A Program on Making Choices for Grades 2-3

Faith In Action: Long-term - Courage Stickers

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Courage stickers (made or distributed in Session 14, Faith in Action: Courage Stickers)

Preparation for Activity

  • Confer with the director of religious education and worship leaders, if you wish to have the children present their courage stickers and tell their courage stories during worship or coffee hour.
  • Have some extra courage stickers on hand for children who forgot to bring them back or to wear them and for those who think of courageous things they did that they had not thought of previously.

Description of Activity

If the group began the Faith in Action, Courage Stickers project in Session 14, today the children will report back to the group on what they have done and learned.

You may like to have children share during Activity 1, Gems of Goodness. Or, if you have time during your session for Faith in Action, the sharing can take place then.

Whether the sharing occurs in your meeting space or during worship, in front of the congregation, invite children to stand up and show the courage stickers they are wearing or tell about someone they gave a sticker to and what that person had done that was courageous. For either scenario, have some extra "courage" stickers on hand for those who forgot to bring them back or to wear them and for those who think of courageous things they did that they had not thought of previously. You might allow the children to invite a parent to visit your session today to share a particularly good story about the child's, or their own, courage in the face of injustice.

Including All Participants

This is an out-of-session activity that some children will be more likely to complete than others. It has to be a voluntary activity.