Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Moral Tales: A Program on Making Choices for Grades 2-3

Leader Resource 3: All My Friends and Neighbors - Making a Difference

Part of Moral Tales

Use these questions once the children have got the hang of the game. As you play, make your criteria for friends and neighbors more specific, and encourage children to be specific in their own suggested criteria. The more specific the criteria in this game, the more everyone will learn.

I want to meet my friends and neighbors who:

Help do the dishes

Make their beds

Recycle their drink bottles

Pick up litter

Help feed the pets

Take care of their clothes

Help with the laundry at home

Help teachers by doing errands in school

Help in school by cleaning up

Help an older relative

Help at a food pantry

Help collect food or gifts for those in need at holiday time

Take care of younger brothers or sisters

Take care of younger cousins or friends