Session 12: The Power of Reaching Out Part of Sing to the Power, Grades 4-5 In This Section Session 12: The Power of Reaching Out, Introduction From Sing to the Power it starts when you say We and know who you mean, and each day you mean one more. — Marge Piercy The power of fire is power to ignite enthusiasm that spreads like wildfire to make change in the world. This session focuses on immigration through the story of a UU congregation that harnessed the... Session-at-a-Glance From Sing to the Power Activity Minutes Opening 5 Activity 1: Story — Siding with Love 15 Activity 2: Viral Tag 10 Activity 3: Create a Petition 25 Faith in Action: Reflecting on Our Fire Power 20 Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Sharing Joys and Sorrows 10 Alternate Activity 2: Interview with an Immigrant 35... Spiritual Preparation From Sing to the Power Find a place where you can be quiet with your thoughts. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for several minutes, perhaps repeating a word or phrase to separate yourself from the activities of the day.... Opening From Sing to the Power Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice or LED/battery-operated candle Cloth for altar or centering space Opening Words for Basket (Session 1, Leader Resource 1), and basket Symbol of fire, such as a candle, a flashlight, a depiction of the sun or any material that is red, orange... Activity 1: Story – Siding With Love From Sing to the Power Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Story, "Siding With Love" Preparation for Activity Read the story and prepare to share it with the group. Review the discussion questions. Choose those that will best help the children share their interpretations of the story and relate it to their... Activity 2: Viral Tag From Sing to the Power Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Timepiece (seconds) or stopwatch A sheet of paper and a pencil Preparation for Activity Find an open space large enough for all participants to run around, but with some boundaries that ensure safety.... Session 12: Activity 3: Create a Petition From Sing to the Power Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, How to Write a Good Petition Optional: Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Computer with Internet access and large monitor or digital projector Preparation for Activity Decide whether you will have time for the group to choose a topic... Session 12: Closing From Sing to the Power Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Circle of Elements mural from Session 1 Leader Resource 2, "Reaching Out" Circle, and tape Session 1, Leader Resource 3, Circle of Elements Mural Instructions Closing Words for Basket (Session 1, Leader Resource 5), and basket Bracelets from Session... Leader Reflection and Planning From Sing to the Power Reflect on and discuss with your co-leader(s): How did the timing go today? What might we do to make it work better? What worked well? What didn't? What connections did we make with the children? What connections did the children make with each other? How was this evident? How could we improve a... Faith In Action: Reflecting on Our Fire Power From Sing to the Power Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Post blank newsprint. Description of Activity This activity is designed to help the group process a Faith in Action activity begun in Session 9.... Alternate Activity 1: Sharing Joys and Sorrows From Sing to the Power Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Attractive bowl Smooth stones, at least one for each participant Preparation for Activity Fill the bowl half-way with water. Set the bowl on a surface that will not be damaged if a small amount of water splashes out. Set out stones near the bowl,... Alternate Activity 2: Interview with an Immigrant From Sing to the Power Activity time: 35 minutes Materials for Activity Optional: Paper and markers or crayons Preparation for Activity Invite a friend, colleague, member of your congregation, or member of your wider community to come speak with the group about their personal experience of immigrating to this country. Session 12: Taking It Home From Sing to the Power it starts when you say We and know who you mean, and each day you mean one more. — Marge Piercy IN TODAY'S SESSION...... Story: Siding With Love From Sing to the Power Raύl Cardenas came to the United States from Mexico, looking for work that would support him and his parents. He found a job driving heavy machinery, and even better, he found the love of his life, Judy. What he didn't find was a way to become a legal American citizen, even after he and Judy were... Handout 1: How to Write a Good Petition From Sing to the Power Adapted from The Petition Site website. If a petition is not clear and well presented, then people will not want to sign it. To create a good petition, you should: Set an Achievable Goal A clear goal that you can actually achieve will make it easier for people to sign onto your petition.... Leader Resource 1: Reaching Out Circle From Sing to the Power Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing... Session 12: The Power of Reaching Out - Find Out More From Sing to the Power The website for the Side with Love campaign (formerly called Standing on the Side of Love, offers ideas and resources for getting involved with other UUs in standing up for justice for immigrants, marriage equality, and other issues of concern to UUs. See the Summer 2012 Family pages insert in UU... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Sing to the Power NEXT: Session 12: The Power of Reaching Out, Introduction Download all of Sing to the Power (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.