Session 2: We Lead Part of Signs of Our Faith, Grades 2-3: Being UU Every Day In This Section Introduction From Signs of Our Faith Our leadership is just ourself. — Claudette Colvin, civil rights activist A community is like a ship: everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm. — Henrik Ibsen, playwright This session sets a stage and expectations for children to grow in Unitarian Universalist leadership. Participants... Session-at-a-Glance From Signs of Our Faith Activity Minutes Opening 3 Activity 1: Follow the Leader 10 Activity 2: Leadership 15 Activity 3: Story — Belling the Cat 15 Activity 4: Receiving Stoles 15 Faith in Action: Sharing Leadership 20 Closing 2 Alternate Activity 1: Leadership in Action — Appreciating Congregational Leaders Alternate... Spiritual Preparation From Signs of Our Faith Who are the leaders that have helped shape your notions about leadership? Have you intentionally developed some of their characteristics? What do you think they were faithful to in their leadership? Some of our most famous models of leaders have been religious women and men.... Opening From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Centering table A chime or bell Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Cloth for centering table Preparation for Activity Prepare to lead the Opening described below: Set a chalice table wit... Activity 1: Follow the Leader From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Preparation for Activity Make sure you have enough space to play. If you wish to play outside and weather is a factor, give parents advance notice. Description of Activity Play Follow the Leader. Have one co-leader be a poor leader. Poor leading might include moving too... Activity 2: Leadership From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Poster board and glue Preparation for Activity Make a poster of congregational leaders: Collect and cut out photos of five to ten congregational leaders, and tape them to poster board.... Activity 3: Story - Belling the Cat From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Copy of the story, "Belling the Cat" Optional: Props such as paper doll or puppet mice and cat, and a bell Optional: Fidget basket (see Session 1, Leader Resource 2, Fidget Objects) Preparation for Activity Read the story (Option 1) and the play... Activity 4: Receiving Stoles From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Stoles, one for every participant Arts and crafts materials for children to initial their stoles Chalice patches, one for every participant Preparation for Activity Obtain or make stoles, and order or make chalice patches. See the Before You Start... Closing From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 2 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Taking It Home Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Stoles, including extras for visitors Preparation for Activity Download and adapt Taking It Home and copy for all participants. And/or,... Leader Reflection and Planning From Signs of Our Faith Evaluate the effectiveness of today's activities, especially the conversation on leadership and the stole activity. Do children understand the importance of the stole? Do they understand it is a sign that they are leaders? Do you have a good plan in place for using and storing stoles? How did all... Faith In Action: Sharing Leadership From Signs of Our Faith Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape A roster of the group participants Optional: Poster board and markers Optional: Stickers Preparation for Activity Decide whether you will use a simple group roster to keep track of participants' leadership roles, or make and display a poster.... Alternate Activity 1: Leadership in Action - Appreciating Congregational Leaders From Signs of Our Faith Description of Activity Children show congregational leaders their appreciation. Leadership in Action activities invite children to take the lead in an activity that engages with the congregation and begin to see themselves as leaders of their faith. Ask the group if they have ever shown a leader... Alternate Activity 2: Leadership in Action - Leadership Skit From Signs of Our Faith Materials for Activity Copy of the story, "Belling the Cat" Costumes and props Preparation for Activity Print the story "Belling the Cat." Make the copies you need to help children learn their roles in the play. Arrange for children to perform "Belling the Cat" for the congregation. Appropriate... Alternate Activity 3: Game - Belling the Cat From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Chairs A small bell Preparation for Activity Arrange the meeting space as described below, making sure the game will be accessible for all participants. Description of Activity Children play a derivation of Doggie, Doggie, Who's Got the Bone with a... Taking It Home: We Lead From Signs of Our Faith Our leadership is just ourself. — Claudette Colvin, civil rights activist A community is like a ship: everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm. — Henrik Ibsen, playwright IN TODAY'S SESSION... we said that, as Unitarian Universalists, we provide leadership and service to our congregation... Belling the Cat From Tapestry of Faith Adapted from an Aesop fable. OPTION 1 — Story Once there was a family of mice living on a farm. They had a pleasant life and all the food they could eat. Then, one day, the farmer brought a cat to live on the farm. The cat was very good at one thing: chasing mice! The cat could move so quietly,... Find Out More From Signs of Our Faith On the Buzzle website, read an article by management guru Peter Drucker on… of Leadership in Children. The article encourages adults to motivate children to develop leadership qualities. The website Teach with Movies offers... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Signs of Our Faith NEXT: Introduction Download all of Signs of Our Faith (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.