Session 12: The Future and Me Part of Riddle and Mystery, 6th Grade In This Section Introduction From Riddle and Mystery We will be known forever by the tracks we leave. — Native American (Dakota) proverb Big Question: What should I do with my life? Almost every sixth grader has wondered about their future. This session frames their wonderings as a Big Question which seeks a deeper answer than the right career to... Session-at-a-Glance From Riddle and Mystery Activity Minutes Opening 5 Activity 1: Happy Hundredth 12 Activity 2: Story — The Stonecutter 5 Activity 3: WCUU — Advice Panel 20 Activity 4: WIT Time — My Little Light 15 Faith in Action: Talking to Leaders Closing 3 Alternate Activity 1: Notable Thoughts 5 Alternate Activity 2: Songs —... Spiritual Preparation From Riddle and Mystery With everything set to go, carve out a meditative moment for yourself. Relax. Take several deep breaths. Consider the forward motion of a human life from birth to death and how we each help write the story between.... Opening From Riddle and Mystery Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice or LED/battery-operated candle Newsprint, markers and tape Bell, tingsha chimes or other sound instrument Handout 1, Today's Big Question and (optional) a plain envelope "Today's Big Question" sign Kid for the Day bag or box, card stock cut... Activity 1: Happy Hundredth From Riddle and Mystery Activity time: 12 minutes Materials for Activity Tingsha chimes or other gentle sound instrument Leader Resource 1, Guiding Lights Paper clips Fine-point markers Tape Optional: Snacks and other supplies appropriate for a birthday party Preparation for Activity Decide how you will form groups of... Activity 2: Story - The Stonecutter From Riddle and Mystery Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "The Stonecutter" Preparation for Activity Read and print out the story. Description of Activity Read the story aloud. Then ask: Have you ever wanted anything badly, then found when you got it that you were just as happy without... Activity 3: WCUU - Advice Panel From Riddle and Mystery Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Microphone(s), video camera(s) and tripod(s), real or simulated Timepiece (minutes) For studio set Backdrop made in Session 1 Painter's tape or masking tape Leader Resource 2, WCUU Script - Advice Panel Leader Resource 3, UU Guest Panelists Leader... Activity 4: WIT Time - My Little Light From Riddle and Mystery Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Drawing paper and color pencils, markers or pastels Writing paper and pencils Preparation for Activity Decide how best to present the song "This Little Light of Mine," Hymn... Closing From Riddle and Mystery Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice or LED/battery-operated candle Newsprint, markers and tape Bell, tingsha chimes or other sound instrument Taking It Home handout Preparation for Activity Adapt the Taking It Home section and copy it for all participants.... Leader Reflection and Planning From Riddle and Mystery Meet with your co-leaders after the session to reflect on it. How was the mix of discussion and action? Are you continuing to find ways to involve all youth fully in sessions despite any limitations they might have? Does the group have new behavioral issues you need to address?... Faith In Action: Talking to Leaders From Riddle and Mystery Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Paper and pencils Optional: A directory of members and friends of your congregation Preparation for Activity Post a sheet of blank newsprint. For Learning from Our Community Leaders: Obtain a congregational directory Identify a few adult... Alternate Activity 1: Notable Thoughts From Riddle and Mystery Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Bag or box containing participants' Big Questions notebooks (see Session 1, Alternate Activity 1, Notable Thoughts) Blank notebooks for new participants Pencils or pens Masking tape Preparation for Activity Retrieve participants' Big Questions... Alternate Activity 2: Songs - Just As Long As I Have Breath and Love Will Guide Us From Riddle and Mystery Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Copy(ies) of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Optional: A recording of the song and a music player Preparation for Activity Decide how best to present the songs "Just as Long as I Have Breath," Hymn 6 in Singing the... Alternate Activity 3: Challenge Question From Riddle and Mystery Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Optional: Write the challenge question on newsprint, and post. Description of Activity Challenge questions guide a deeper inquiry for especially thoughtful individuals and groups.... Alternate Activity 4: Story - Oh, the Places You'll Go From Riddle and Mystery Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the book Oh, the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss (New York: Random House, 1990) Preparation for Activity Read the story and plan the discussion you will lead. Description of Activity Show the group the book Oh, the Places You'll Go.... Taking It Home: The Future and Me From Riddle and Mystery We will be known forever by the tracks we leave. — Native American (Dakota) proverb Talk about the quote. What does it mean? Is it correct? Helpful to think about? Does it remind you of the butterfly effect we talked about in another Riddle and Mystery session? WHAT WE DID TODAY Today's Big... The Stonecutter From Riddle and Mystery Based on a wisdom tale of Japanese origin. Once upon a time, there was a stonecutter. He spent his life cutting up rocks for use in this and that and the other. He liked his work. He was a happy man. At least he thought he was, until one day he was cutting stone for the house of a rich family. Handout 1: Today's Big Question From Riddle and Mystery To the Kid for the Day: You have two jobs. The first is getting your group excited about hearing today's Big Question. The second is announcing the question. 1. Say to the group, "Give me a drum roll!" Then wait for a minute while the drum roll builds.... Leader Resource 1: Guiding Lights From Riddle and Mystery Parents A feeling deep inside you Your teachers Laws Money you get paid Friends Your happiness The government Schools Unitarian Universalism Your doctors Other peoples' happiness Love Status in society The needs of the world... Leader Resource 2: WCUU Script - Advice Panel From Riddle and Mystery To the Anchor: Today's WCUU program features a guest panel of informed Unitarian Universalists answering questions from UU youth about what to do with their lives. Your job is to follow the script, read your part, and keep things moving. When the broadcast begins, you are facing the UU panelists. Leader Resource 3: UU Guest Panelists From Riddle and Mystery UU Parent You are a UU Parent on a WCUU panel helping young people decide what to do with their lives. Here are some ideas you may base your answers on. You can think of other ideas yourself. Know who you are and what you want. Make your family proud of you.... Leader Resource 4: WCUU Life Questions From Riddle and Mystery You are in the audience at a WCUU panel discussion about how to decide what to do with your life. When the Anchor invites questions, ask anything you want. Use one of these, if nobody else has yet asked it, or make up your own. I am just a sixth grader.... Leader Resource 5: Outstanding UUs From Riddle and Mystery Use these descriptions to prepare youth to role-play a prominent historical Unitarian Universalist on the WCUU advice panel (Activity 3). Susan B. Anthony You were a famous Unitarian who was born in 1820 and died in 1906. You fought hard for women's rights—especially the right to vote. You never... Find Out More From Riddle and Mystery "This Little Light of Mine" Hymn 118 in Singing the Living Tradition has a strong association with the Civil Rights movement, sung at many 1960s anti-segregation demonstrations by Fanny Lou Hamer, Pete Seeger and others. Originally written by evangelical composer Harry Dixon Loes (1895-1965), the... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Riddle and Mystery NEXT: Introduction Download all of Riddle and Mystery (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.