Leader Resource 1: Volunteer Treasure Hunt
Part of Love Connects Us, Grades 4-5
Who in this congregation...
Plays music for services or sings in the choir?
Makes coffee, tea, or snacks?
Teaches religious education?
Greets people as they come in?
Helps plan special events?
Serves on the board of trustees/board of directors?
Helps new people learn about the congregation?
Helps maintain or improve the building?
Helps maintain or improve the grounds?
Helps plan or lead teenagers' meetings and events?
Helps clean up after coffee hour?
Helps clean up after special events?
Pays the congregation's bills/writes checks?
Works on social justice projects?
Helps lead worship services?
Brings food to potlucks?
Helps people who need transportation to get to and from the congregation?
Makes sure the congregation has flowers/decorations for worship/special events?
Visits people who are sick or in the hospital?