Session 5: Meeting People Where They Live Part of Love Connects Us, Grades 4-5 In This Section Introduction for Session 5 From Love Connects Us Spiritual warrior's pledge: Not for myself alone, but that all the people may live. — Brooke Medicine Eagle, Buffalo Woman Comes Singing There is nothing to make you like other human beings so much as doing things for them. — Zora Neale Hurston, Dust Tracks on a Road Unitarian Universalism has a... Session-at-a-Glance From Love Connects Us Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 10 Activity 1: Story — Joseph Tuckerman's Revolution 15 Activity 2: Tying Sailor Knots 10 Activity 3: Personal Interviews 20 Faith in Action: Direct Service at a Shelter or Other Program Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Decorate Bags for Food Drive... Spiritual Preparation From Love Connects Us Find a place where you can be quiet with your thoughts. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for about five minutes, perhaps repeating a word or phrase to separate yourself from the activities of the day. When you feel settled and relaxed, consider: In what ways are you of service—to your family,... Welcoming and Entering From Love Connects Us Materials for Activity Card stock in various colors Scissors, including left-handed scissors Hole punch String or yarn Pencils or markers Preparation for Activity Create a sample hand ornament: Trace your own hand on card stock, cut out the shape, punch a hole in the top, pass a piece of yarn... Opening From Love Connects Us Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and matches or LED/battery-operated candle Newsprint, markers, and tape Hand ornaments cut from card stock (see Welcoming and Entering) Pens, pencils, or markers Preparation for Activity Set up chalice.... Activity 1: Story - Joseph Tuckerman's Revolution From Love Connects Us Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story, "Joseph Tuckerman's Revolution" Preparation for Activity Read the story several times so you are comfortable telling it to the group. Review the discussion questions and choose those that will best help the children share their... Activity 2: Tying Sailor Knots From Love Connects Us Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 1, Sailor Knot Instructions Slender rope or cord, and a knife or scissors Preparation for Activity Review Leader Resource 1 so you will be able to teach the group how to tie a basic sailor knot.... Activity 3: Personal Interviews From Love Connects Us Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Optional: Paper and pens/pencils Description of Activity A radical aspect of Joseph Tuckerman's service to the poor of Boston was his commitment to listening to and learning from the people he sought to help.... Closing From Love Connects Us Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Taking It Home Preparation for Activity Download and adapt Taking It Home and copy as a handout for all participants (or, email to parents). Description of Activity Explain that the session is almost over and that we will now work together as a... Leader Reflection and Planning From Love Connects Us Reflect on and discuss with your co-leader(s): How did the timing go today? What might we do to make it work better? What worked well? What didn't? What connections did we make with the participants? What connections did the participants make with each other? How was this evident? How could we... Faith In Action: Direct Service at a Shelter or Other Program From Love Connects Us Preparation for Activity Identify a nearby shelter for homeless families or survivors of domestic violence, or a program that serves meals to people in need. Speak with a staff person for that program and ask permission to bring your group to visit.... Alternate Activity 1: Decorate Bags for Food Drive From Love Connects Us Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Large paper grocery bags Color markers Optional: Plain paper and staplers if bags have printing on them Preparation for Activity Work with your minister, religious educator, or lay leaders to identify a food bank for your donations, and to determin... Taking It Home: Meeting People Where They Live From Love Connects Us Spiritual warrior's pledge: Not for myself alone, but that all the people may live. — Brooke Medicine Eagle, Buffalo Woman Comes Singing There is nothing to make you like other human beings so much as doing things for them. — Zora Neale Hurston, Dust Tracks on a Road IN TODAY'S SESSION... we... Joseph Tuckerman's Revolution Janeen K Grohsmeyer From Love Connects Us On a cold January day in 1778, more than 200 years ago, while the United States was still fighting its War for Independence against Great Britain, a baby boy was born in Boston, Massachusetts. His parents named him Joseph. "What will he be when he grows up?" wondered Joseph's father. "A lawyer? A... Leader Resource 1: Sailor Knot Instructions From Love Connects Us Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing... Find Out More From Love Connects Us Contemporary Urban Ministry Visit the website of the UU Urban Ministry, the successor to the Benevolent Fraternity of Unitarian Churches which Joseph Tuckerman founded. Joseph Tuckerman Learn more about the life of Joseph Tuckerman on the Unitarian Universalist Historical Society's Dictionary of... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Love Connects Us NEXT: Introduction for Session 5 Download all of Love Connects Us (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.