Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Love Connects Us: A Program on Living in Unitarian Universalist Covenant for Grades 4-5

Activity 1: Story - No More Turning Away

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Read the story and prepare to share it with the group.
  • Review the discussion questions and choose those that will best help the participants share their interpretations of the story and relate it to their own lives.

Description of Activity

Read or tell the story to the group.

Invite the group to be silent for a moment to think about the story.

Begin a discussion by asking participants to recap the story in their own words. What they recall indicates what they found most meaningful or memorable.

Lead a discussion using these questions:

  • How do you think the efforts of all the Unitarian Universalists who participated in the No More Turning Away project made a difference in the world?
  • How do you think being involved in the project made a difference in the lives of the UUs who participated?
  • Have you ever worked with a big group of people on a project? Participated in a big march or vigil about something that mattered to you? How did it feel?