Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Creating Home: A Program on Developing a Sense of Home Grounded in Faith for Grades K-1


The 12-page booklet offers questions for family activities to extend the learning of many of the Creating Home sessions, questions for family discussion, and blank spaces for children to draw pictures related to the discussion.

Each sheet includes two pages of the booklet. If you have access to double-sized printing, you can make a 12-page booklet using just three pages of paper.

To make the booklets:

  1. Print the sheet with booklet pages 2 and 11 on the back of the sheet with the cover and page 12.
  2. Print the sheet with pages 4 and 9 on the back of the sheet with pages 3 and 10.
  3. Print the sheet with pages 6 and 7 on the back of the sheet with pages 5 and 8.
  4. Fold in half and staple the center.

To get printable versions of these pages, download the Word document for this session.