Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Creating Home: A Program on Developing a Sense of Home Grounded in Faith for Grades K-1

Activity 1: Unique Name Design Signs

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Large sheets of blank paper or pieces of poster board
  • A thick, black permanent marker
  • Crayons or color markers
  • A variety of stickers and other decorations
  • Construction paper, scissors (including left-handed scissors), and glue sticks

Preparation for Activity

  • Review Activity 2: Foil Handprints. Decide whether you want to integrate children's foil handprints into their name sign. If you do, leave room on each child's name sign for the foil handprint(s) he/she will cut out.
  • On a large, blank piece of paper, use the permanent marker to write each child's name in "bubble letters" by drawing the outline of each letter.
  • Distribute crayons, markers and other materials for children to decorate name signs at worktables.
  • You may wish to think ahead of time about each child you have taught in Creating Home. During this activity, you will want to mention at least one specific memory of each child.

Description of Activity

Each child has brought something unique to this session. Their names will be remembered by the others in the group. Pass out the name design signs you have made, saying each name aloud as you go.

Tell the children they are each unique, one-of-a-kind, and can design their name any way they like. You may suggest they color each part of their name with a different color, or color the background behind the letters. The black permanent marker will help the letters stand out.

While the children are coloring, talk about different memories you have of each child. Make statements like, "I sure will remember how Tonya built that great house out of blocks." Or "Tim, I'll remember the bee you cut out when we talked about bee communities." Bring in memories from a variety of sessions, and be sure to tell at least one about each child.

Tell the children they may take home their name designs to remind them about their unique memories of Creating Home.