Workshop 16: Ripples in the Water: The Evangelists Part of Faith like a River: Themes from Unitarian Universalist History In This Section Introduction From Faith Like a River What's your idea of true religion? Unitarianism is a way of life, life of vigorous thought, constructive activity, of generous service—not a religion of inherited creeds, revered saints, or holy books... If you have given up "old time" religion, Unitarianism has the answer for you. — from an... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Faith Like a River Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 5 Activity 1: Quillen Shinn 20 Activity 2: The Fellowship Movement 25 Activity 3: Reflection 45 Faith in Action: Spreading the Word Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Shout it Out! 30 Alternate Activity 2: Is All News Good PR?... Spiritual Preparation From Faith Like a River As you prepare for the workshop, consider how Unitarian Universalists sometimes "hide our light under a bushel." In what ways do individuals, congregations, and our association keep Unitarian Universalism "quiet?" Why might this be?... Welcoming and Entering From Faith Like a River Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Sign-in sheet and pen/pencil Name tags and markers Workshop 1, Leader Resource 1, Schedule Template Workshop 1, Handout 2, Time Line of UU History Preparation for Activity Create and post a workshop agenda on newsprint. The Workshop-at-a-Glance... Opening From Faith Like a River Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, the UUA hymnbook, for all participants Optional: Decorative cloth Preparation for Activity Set up a worship or centering table with the chalice and... Activity 1: Quillen Shinn From Faith Like a River Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape A copy of the story "Quillen Shinn - Grasshopper or St. Paul?" Leader Resource 1, The Words of Quillen Shinn Leader Resource 2, Quillen Hamilton Shinn, Portrait Optional: Computer and digital projector Preparation for... Activity 2: The Fellowship Movement From Faith Like a River Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape A copy of the story "The Fellowship Movement" Preparation for Activity Print out the story "The Fellowship Movement" and prepare to read or tell it. Write on newsprint, and post: The positive view maintains that the... Activity 3: Reflection From Faith Like a River Activity time: 45 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Lined paper and pens/pencils Time Line of UU History from Workshop 1 Preparation for Activity Write on newsprint, and post: What have you learned from these workshops that shifted your understanding of Unitarian... Closing From Faith Like a River Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Taking It Home Optional: Faith in Action from this workshop Preparation for Activity Download and customize Taking It Home as a handout. You may wish to add the Faith in Action activity... Leader Reflection and Planning From Faith Like a River After this final workshop, make a time to talk together to evaluate this workshop and debrief the entire program. Use these questions to guide your shared reflection: What parts of the workshop worked well and which did not? Why?... Faith In Action: Spreading the Word From Faith Like a River Description of Activity Unitarian Universalist congregations are highly structured institutions that depend on both professional staff and lay volunteers to do the work of the congregation. In conversation with others in the congregation, try to identify any individuals and groups in your... Alternate Activity 1: Shout It Out! From Faith Like a River Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 3, Shout It Out! Leader Resource 4, Layman's League Advertising, Mid-20th Century Art materials including paper, markers, scissors, and poster board Optional: Computer with Internet connection, and projector Preparation for Activity... Alternate Activity 2: Is All News Good PR? From Faith Like a River Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape A copy of the story "We're in the News!" Preparation for Activity Copy the story "We're in the News!" for all participants and prepare to read it aloud.... Alternate Activity 3: Faith like a River From Faith Like a River Activity time: 45 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Craft materials and supplies such as clay, wire, beads, fabric, paint, paper, markers, magazines for collage, scissors, glue, and tape Preparation for Activity Write on newsprint, and post: What event or person covered ... Taking It Home: Ripples in the Water: The Evangelists From Faith Like a River What's your idea of true religion? Unitarianism is a way of life, life of vigorous thought, constructive activity, of generous service—not a religion of inherited creeds, revered saints, or holy books... If you have given up "old time" religion, Unitarianism has the answer for you. — from an... Quillen Shinn Grasshopper or St Paul From Faith Like a River Any diner at the Ferry Beach Conference Center can tell you the campers' favorite song. As coffee cups bounce off soundly thumped tables and kitchen ladles hit impromptu serving tray gongs in time to the tune of "There is a Tavern in the Town," the campers, with unnerving regularity, close the... The Fellowship Movement From Faith Like a River Between 1948 and 1967, Unitarianism experienced a period of enormous growth, perhaps the most significant increase in numbers for any time in Unitarian, Universalist, or Unitarian Universalist history.... Were in the News From Faith Like a River Here are two stories of Unitarianism, Universalism, and Unitarian Universalism unexpectedly in the news which raised our name recognition across the country. For good or for ill? You decide. The Last Blasphemer Abner Kneeland (1774-1844) carried many banners through his lifetime: Universalist... Leader Resource 1: The Words of Quillen Shinn From Faith Like a River Writings of the Reverend Quillen Hamilton Shinn (1845-1907). I am not on a pleasure trip wholly; the grandest recreation I get is working to spread our faith. Every liberal thinker in all this region is my parishioner. I own the mountains. Upon entering a new place the first impulse is to find if... Leader Resource 2: Quillen Hamilton Shinn, Portrait From Faith Like a River From the Unitarian Universalist Association archives. Leader Resource 3: Shout It Out! From Faith Like a River Though the word "evangelism" may cause discomfort for Unitarian Universalists, Unitarians and Universalists over the years have been creative in finding ways to spread the "good news" of their liberal faith. Many of these efforts involved print media. As early as the 16th century in Europe,... Leader Resource 4: Layman's League Advertising, Mid-20th Century From Faith Like a River Find Out More From Faith Like a River UU Evangelism Alexander, Scott W., ed. Salted with Fire: Unitarian Universalist Strategies for Sharing Faith and Growing Congregations (Boston: Skinner House Books, 1994) Beacon Press Beacon Press: 150 Years of Independent Publishing The Fellowship Movement Ulbrich, Holley.... PREVIOUS: Workshop 15: The Water Is Wide: Multiculturalism UP: Faith like a River NEXT: Introduction Download all of Faith Like a River (Word) to edit or print.