We gratefully acknowledge the use of the following material:
- Excerpt from Unitarian Universalism: An Heretical History, a DVD produced by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockford, IL, 1995.
- "Would You Harbor Me?" Words and music by Ysaye M. Barnwell copyright 1994 Barnwell's Notes Publishing, recorded by Sweet Honey In The Rock (R). Used with permission. Visit Ysaye M. Barnwell's website for further information.
- "Humanist Manifesto I," copyright 1933 by The New Humanist and 1973 by the American Humanist Association. Please note that this is no longer a current statement of humanist convictions; it has been superceded by Humanism and Its Aspirations: Humanist Manifesto III.
- Excerpt from Mark Harris, Elite: Uncovering Classism in Unitarian Universalist History (Boston: Skinner House, 2010); used with permission.
- "Unitarian Summer — the Isle of Shoals," excerpted and adapted from Frederick T. McGill, Jr. and Virginia F. McGill, Something Like a Star (Boston: Star Island Corporation, 1989).
- "Love and Power: The Universalist Dilemma," the John Murray Distinguished Lecture, delivered at the UUA General Assembly in Boston, June 2003, by Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt.
- "Of Madmen and Martyrs: A Unitarian Take on Knoxville," a blog post by Sara Robinson, July 28, 2008; used with permission.
- "The Seven Tribes," a traditional story of the Khasi people as relayed by Darihun Khriam, the first woman minister in the Khasi Hills.
- "The Ute and the Unitarians" a story based on research by historian Ted Fetter and written for this program.