Handout 1: Famous Unitarian Universalists Mix and Match
Part of The New UU
A. William Ellery Channing
B. John Murray
C. Olympia Brown
D. King John Sigismund
E. William F. Schulz
F. Lewis McGee
G. Joseph Priestley
H. Margaret Fuller
I. Sophia Lyon Fahs
J. Norbert Capek
K. Lydia Maria Child
L. Ralph Waldo Emerson
M. Tim Berners-Lee
N. Frances Ellen Harper Watkins
O. Joseph Tuckerman
P. Clara Barton
Q. William Howard Taft
R. Thomas Starr King
S. Dorothea Dix
T. James Reeb
i. Former UUA President and former director of Amnesty International
ii. Founder of the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia and discoverer of oxygen
iii. 19th-century Transcendentalist writer, educator, feminist
iv. 19th-century Universalist minister who served both Unitarian and Universalist churches and kept California from leaving the Union during the Civil War; famously credited with saying, "The one [Universalist] thinks God is too good to damn them forever, the other [Unitarian] thinks they are too good to be damned forever."
v. Inventor of the World Wide Web (www) (proposed in 1989)
vi. Free black poet and abolitionist
vii. Teacher and reformer of jails and prisons; advocate for people with mental illness
viii. Transcendentalist minister who left a Unitarian pulpit over the issue of communion; known for lectures and essays including "Self-Reliance"
ix. Preacher of the sermon "Unitarian Christianity" which laid out the principles of early American Unitarianism
x. Nurse who organized the American Red Cross
xi. King of Transylvania who issued the first Edict of Religious Toleration
xii. Brought Universalism from England to the U.S.; helped end the practice of taxes paid to the established church
xiii. First woman ordained by the Universalists (1863); fought for voting rights for women
xiv. Founder of the Benevolent Fraternity of Unitarian Churches, serving poor people in Boston; "father of American social work"
xv. Unitarian minister killed during the fight for civil rights at Selma, Alabama (1965)
xvi. Republican U.S. president, Supreme Court justice, and President of General Conference of Unitarian and Other Christian Churches
xvii. Religious educator whose curricula and inspiration profoundly shaped mid- 20th-century Unitarianism
xviii. First African American minister of a Unitarian congregation, the Free Religious Fellowship in Chicago
xix. Brought Unitarianism to his native Bohemia (now Czech Republic); died a Nazi prisoner; introduced the Flower Service now commonly celebrated as Flower Communion
xx. Wrote both fiction and non-fiction to promote abolition, women's rights, and Indian rights