Workshop 9: Come To Us: Closing and Continuing On Part of Spirit of Life In This Section Introduction From Spirit of Life We covenant to affirm and promote the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. The living tradition we share draws from... humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Spirit of Life Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering Opening 10 Activity 1: Fruits of the Spirit 50 Activity 2: Responding to the Spirit of Life Program 15 Faith in Action: Sharing with the Congregation Closing 15 Alternate Activity 1: Personal Chalices 50... Spiritual Preparation From Spirit of Life Reflection. Leaders may wish to set aside some time to reflect on their own spiritual moments and senses of the sacred in advance of the workshop, either individually or together. You can use the workshop activities to help you explore your own spirituality.... Welcoming and Entering From Spirit of Life Materials for Activity Nametags and bold markers Sign-in sheet and pen or pencil Optional: Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Computer, digital projector, and digital slide that displays a list of this workshop's activities Preparation for Activity Create a sign-in sheet to gather participant... Opening From Spirit of Life Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Altar or centering table Cloth for covering altar or centering table Chalice, candle and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Handout 1, Come to Us Copies of the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook, Singing the Living Tradition Optional: Small votive... Activity 1: Fruits of the Spirit From Spirit of Life Activity time: 50 minutes Materials for Activity A large newsprint sheet or poster paper for creating a tree Color paper for creating leaves and fruit Paper for drawing or writing Drawing and writing implements, such as pencils, color pencils, markers, crayons Bell Clock, watch, or timer that sho... Activity 2: Responding to the Spirit of Life Program From Spirit of Life Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 2, Responding to the Spirit of Life Program - Evaluation Pens or pencils A box for completed evaluations Preparation for Activity Copy Handout 2 for all participants. Place the box for collecting completed evaluations in a central, easily... Closing From Spirit of Life Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 1, Body Movements for Spirit of Life Stones, preferably smooth ones A bowl to hold all the stones Altar or centering table Cloth for covering altar or centering table Chalice and candle or LED battery-operated candle Chalice... Leader Reflection and Planning From Spirit of Life You've done it! You've completed the teaching of Spirit of Life. Even though your congregation's series is complete, it is still quite valuable for co-facilitators to get together and evaluate the experience of this final meeting. Use these questions to guide your shared reflection and planning:... Faith In Action: Sharing with the Congregation From Spirit of Life Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Bell Clock, watch, or timer that shows seconds Preparation for Activity Think about your willingness and ability to be involved in ongoing support for the participants in Spirit of Life.... Alternate Activity 1: Personal Chalices From Spirit of Life Activity time: 50 minutes Materials for Activity Small terra cotta standard flower pots, no bigger than 5” in diameter Terra cotta saucers, 2’’ larger in diameter than pots Votive candles Hot glue gun(s) Water-based acrylic paints and plenty of small paint brushes Paper plates or similar item... Taking It Home: Come To Us: Closing and Continuing On From Spirit of Life We covenant to affirm and promote the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. The living tradition we share draws from... humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us... Handout 1: Come to Us From Spirit of Life UNISON CHALICE LIGHTING We are here young and old, male, female, and transgender; gay, lesbian, bisexual, questioning, and straight (but not narrow!) people. We welcome all the colors of the human race. Our life experiences have led us to a rich variety of outlooks and a beautiful diversity of... Handout 2: Responding to the Spirit of Life Program - Evaluation From Spirit of Life Please take a few minutes before leaving to write out some thoughts about our time together. The Spirit of Life workshop series was ... The best thing about it was... I wish we had... Something I'd change is... Another thing I'd like to say is... I came here wanting... I leave here... .... Leader Resource 1: Body Movements for Spirit of Life From Spirit of Life When you sing the phrase "Spirit of Life," lift both your arms above your head and then make a big encompassing circle with one arm curving down one side, as the other arm curves down the other side. When you sing "come unto me," bring your hands together over your heart. As you sing "sing in my... Find Out More From Spirit of Life The ten-workshop series Spirit in Practice by Erik Walker Wikstrom is an excellent follow-up to Spirit of Life. Its workshops focus on specific practices that Unitarian Universalists can use to develop their spirituality. Other Unitarian Universalist programs for spiritual growth include: Life... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Spirit of Life NEXT: Introduction Download all of Spirit of Life (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.