
This workshop introduces the idea of elderhood as a creative and important time of life, a time to search inside, integrate experiences, and cultivate wisdom. Rituals and activities for the program, such as journaling, sharing blessings, and allowing for silence between speakers, will be established. Participants will begin to get to know one another and to create a community of elders learning together.

Experience has shown that this program works best when each workshop begins with the opportunity for participants to eat lunch together. Shared lunch, whether individual brown bag or something more elaborate, allows time for community building and sets a tone for what follows. A few days before the first workshop, acknowledge and welcome participants via email or phone. Remind them to bring their bag lunch and a mug for coffee, tea, or water or explain lunch arrangements you have made.


This workshop will:

  • Invite participants to form a supportive community
  • Explore positives about being an elder as well as negatives
  • Introduce the process of spiritual journaling.

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Get to know one another as participants in the elderhood work in process
  • Name and share good aspects and bad aspects of being an older person
  • Be introduced to rituals and practices for the program
  • Identify and share stories of influential people from the past.