Preregister participants for the program, making sure they understand that each workshop builds on the one before, and there is some preparation for participants to do for each workshop. If you charge a small materials fee, make sure that there are scholarships available.
Make it as welcoming as possible for elders to be part of the group. Encourage ride sharing so anyone in this age range can attend. Invite people to ask a friend to do the program with them. Your personal invitation may make a difference for someone who is hesitant. (Tip: Quietly allow registration up to the workshop’s beginning. Prepare extra materials.)
Decide how you will handle lunch. It is recommended that you ask participants to bring a brown bag lunch for the first five workshops. Provide coffee, tea, and water to supplement what they bring for themselves. For Workshop 6, arrange for a potluck or catered lunch. Ask the congregation’s Caring Committee or other appropriate group to manage the food items as they come in, set up the buffet table, and clean up after lunch as a gift to the elders in your program.