Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Facing Death with Life: A Program for Adults


  • Read the articles listed under For Next Time in Workshop 1, Handout 2, Looking Ahead to Workshop 2.
  • Post Our Covenant from Workshop 1.
  • Customize and make copies of Handout 1, Looking Ahead to Workshop 3, for all participants.
  • For Activity 2, A Good Death, write on newsprint and post:
    • Has there ever been a time when death pierced your defenses and you realized that you are truly mortal?
    • Do you feel reconciled to your death?
    • Has your idea or reality of death ever been “out of character”?
    • What is a good death to you?
  • Test equipment and speakers; queue and preview Randy Pausch’s A Final Farewell.
  • Review Accessibility Guidelines for Adult Workshop Presenters and implement as appropriate for your group and space.
  • Optional: If you will share a portion of "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," queue the segment (54:38-1:02:53).