Faith Curriculum Library: Curricula and Resources for Co-creating Lifespan Faith Engagement

LEGO® ValUUes Children's Curriculum

New Children’s Curriculum Has Love, and LEGO®, at the Center

A plush owl is pictured behind rainbow LEGO bricks in the shape of the word "LOVE"

Download LEGO ValUUes (PDF, 102 pgs) for 17 weeks of Article II learning for grades 1-5.

The 17 sessions in this curriculum introduce the Article II values (pluralism, interdependence, generosity, equity, justice, transformation, and love, plus kindness) through storybooks, discussion, and play activities. Each session includes an opening circle with an opening question and centering exercise, a story with discussion prompts, and a choice of play activities that carry out the theme of the day (including at least one simple LEGO build). Three appendices include a list of the centering exercises used in the curriculum, a crowd-sourced list of books for each value, and a list of materials needed to implement the curriculum. This curriculum is intended for elementary grades (1st-5th).

The author, Kathy E. Smith, CRE, (she/her) has been a professional religious educator since 2006. She currently serves as Director of Family Ministries for the Unitarian Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She previously served as religious educator for congregations in Fort Worth and Plano, Texas, and as Coordinator of Youth Activities for the Joseph Priestley District. She frequently writes curricula for her congregation and is delighted to share this LEGO® ValUUes curriculum with the broader denomination.