UU World Winter 2009 Recordings

Audio recordings of the Winter 2009 UU World are available as .mp3 files. You may listen to the magazine in sections or article by article: The first five links below group related articles together; the numbered tracks offer individual articles in the order in which they appear in the magazine.

The links will open in a new browser tab. If your browser is set up to play mpeg audio files, the audio will play. You can also download the .mp3 files for later listening by right-clicking on the link.

These recordings are made possible by the UUA Department of Communications and the UUA Office of Accessibility Concerns, and were recorded by Dick Hill with audio production by Peter Bowden.

Commuting-Length Audio Files

  • Full magazine
  • Features
  • Front matter: From the editor, From the president, Mailbox, Letters to the editor, Blog roundup, What in the World?
  • Ideas: Forum, Looking back, Waiting for a great novel about UU ministry, Books to note, Books by UU authors
  • Spirit: Opening words, Reflections
  • News: Congregational life, Spiritual landmarks, News


Opening words: Religious community is essential

From the president: What moves you?


From the editor


Forum: Religion and science can be partners

Congregational life: Innovations help congregants hear

Spiritual landmarks: Restoring a Gilded Age church


Families Weave a Tapestry of Faith

UU news


What in the World?: Abortion, the religious left, and Christmas ghosts

Looking back: Unitarians worked to 'save' Ute Indians