Rev. Alicia Forde Appointed Director of International Office
The UUA announces the appointment of Rev. Alicia Roxanne Forde as Director of the International Office. Starting April 1, Rev. Forde will lead the UUA’s engagement with global Unitarian, Universalist and interfaith partners, including supervising the UU United Nations Office and the Holdeen India Program. “Rev. Forde brings the perfect combination of experience, collaborative leadership, global perspective, and innovation to her new role,” says UUA Executive Vice President Carey McDonald. “Her appointment represents the UUA’s recommitment to cooperation with the UUA’s international partners, and to a collective approach to advancing our faithful values of liberation and justice in the world.”
Alicia is currently the UUA’s Professional Development Director, and previously served as the Multicultural Congregations Program Coordinator. She notes that her work (and play!) rests on a foundation of collaboration, deep listening, transnational feminism, and wrestling with the legacies and impact of settler colonialism and imperialism across the globe. Alicia has a Master of Divinity from Iliff School of Theology and is also a certified Spiritual Director.
Alicia shares that “I’m bringing a vivid excitement for amplifying the varied voices of our global faith and joining with our partners in developing the foundational relationships that can and will bring about the Kin-dom here on earth.” In her 14 years of ministry, she says she has developed a passion for engaging individuals and communities in what they care about most, and working alongside others as they seek to enact Love and Justice in this world.
Alicia describes herself as a life-long learner and has fun certifications like: Health and Wellness Coach, Yoga Instructor, and a Positive Psychology certification. She believes in the art of asking generative questions to illuminate and even transform lives and would like to – one day – be a “questionologist.” She has developed a profound appreciation for self-care, grounded leadership/organizational development, and the crucial importance of meaningful connections in establishing sustainable lives. In her spare time, Alicia enjoys the gym, cloud watching, reading exquisitely crafted fiction, exchanging ideas with her partner, hiking, and reading one-star reviews on Amazon. Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, Alicia identifies as a queer immigrant cis-woman of color.
Rev. Fred Muir will complete his role as Interim International Director on March 31, 2019