Zanaida Stewart Robles

Full name: Dr. Zanaida Stewart Robles

Dr. Zanaida Stewart Robles is a fierce advocate for diversity and inclusion in music education and performance. Born, raised, and educated in Southern California, she is in demand as a vocalist, conductor, clinician and adjudicator for competitions, festivals, and conferences related to choral and solo vocal music. She serves on the national board of the National Association of Negro Musicians and is co-chair of the board of directors of Tonality, a non-profit organization that promotes peace, unity, and social justice through choral music performance in Los Angeles.

From Zanaida Stewart Robles

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Program Description The Ministries and Faith Development Staff Group invites you to join us at this service where we honor those who have died, recognize those who have completed active service, and welcome those who have received fellowship, credentialed, or certified status in the past year....

Utility | By Danielle Di Bona, Zanaida Stewart Robles | May 29, 2020
Tagged as: Online GA, General Assembly

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