Mylo Way
Full name: Mylo Way (they/them)
Youth and Emerging Adult Ministry Staff
Lifespan Faith Engagement in Ministries and Faith Development
(617) 948-4276
(510) 679-0739
Mylo is a nearly life-long UU, who has been actively involved in youth and young adult ministry since they were a youth themself. Mylo has served as an OWL facilitator, youth advisor, chaplain trainer, chaplain, intern minister committee co-chair, young adult camp coordinator, worship associate and on the Moderator Search Committee. Professionally, they have been in medical research, hospital chaplaincy, bartending, and most recently they were a Funeral Director.
Their non-traditional life path has shaped who they are and how they interact with the world, and solidified their passion for supporting the youth and emerging adults of this life-saving faith.
Mylo serves as the liaison to the Pacific Western Region and convenes the Youth Safety Team. They are also working to create resources to support our congregations as they protect their trans youth. They look forward to co-creating with colleagues, youth, emerging adults, and religious education professionals systems and structures that allow our youth to thrive for years to come.
Mylo lives in Oakland, CA with their spouse, young child, and three cats. They love theater, nonsense, and deep dives on google to answer the unimportant questions.